Chapter 655 Own Ways
After Gu Youyou finished speaking, she backed away, and Mrs. Lin's heart skipped a beat, feeling uneasy.

"How come I'm still so calm after accepting her post? She's been banned from entering and leaving the Lin Mansion recently. I'm afraid she'll fly early, let alone going to Splendid City."

It has to be said that Mrs. Lin was born to be a housekeeper.

She couldn't control Lin Xingyi's going in and out of the Lin Mansion, but everyone else had to.

The servants in the courtyard had to write a note to her when they went out to run errands.

Her loyal maidservant He Xiang said: "Miss Biao has always been a steady temperament, neither arrogant nor impatient, I'm afraid she has a plan in mind, she came just to say hello to you."

It is not a fool who can be reused by Mrs. Lin, and she guessed Gu Youyou's intentions right away.

Mrs. Lin's face darkened, and she snorted: "That is to say, I agree that she has to go, and if I don't agree, she has to go."

The maid He Xiang nodded and said, "That's what I mean."

"No one can worry about her sick body. What if she gets sick on the road? I'm really mad. Why did I marry the Lin family back then? No one is educated. If it wasn't for me This Lin family is like an ox and a horse, this family is not as good as Mr. Xie’s, it’s already in chaos..."

Mrs. Lin was so angry that she kept cursing, suddenly thought of something, and asked He Xiang again: "Did you see the young master?"

Seeing Mrs. Lin getting angry, He Xiang hesitated how to say yes to her.

"Hurry up." Mrs. Lin, who couldn't wait to bother, slapped the table vigorously.

He Xiang hurriedly said: "The big exam is coming, the young master went out with some classmates."

"Going out after the big exam?" Mrs. Lin stomped her feet in a disfigured manner, and said, "Go, have someone find him for me, and lock him in the study. No one is allowed to let him out until the big exam is over."

He Xiang went out, Madam Lin looked at Miss Du's post sent by Gu Youyou and remained silent for a long time.

After thinking for a while, she said to herself, "Forget it, for Mr. Xie's sake...let her go."

After finishing speaking, he called two maidservants in, handed the post to one of the maidservants, and said: "Send this to Miss Biao, let her go early and come back early."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Hey, wait a minute." Mrs. Lin thought for a while, and then said, "Don't go now, go tomorrow, take it down first."

She's annoying just looking at these things.


For Lin Qianqing, the old lady has already figured out a solution.

On the day when Miss Du's shop opened, she was going to take Lin Qianqing out to offer incense and listen to the Dharma meeting in the Sanqing Temple on the outskirts of the city.

The only ones who don't need to report to Mrs. Lin when going out in this family are Mrs. Lin and Lin Xingyi.

These two days they were going to say nothing, and when the time came, they would directly take people out of the city, and she had no choice but to find out.

Lin Qianqing happily told Gu Youyou the solution she and her grandmother had come up with. After hearing this, Gu Youyou sighed: "Your life is like being in prison. What on earth is your mother thinking? I wish the whole family could be locked up in the courtyard. .”

Lin Qianqing snorted and said, "She has been imprisoned for a lifetime, and she wishes everyone could be like her. There are so many high-ranking officials and nobles in the capital, and I have never seen other wives and young ladies control me so tightly. She has never taken me to the streets. visited."

As she was about to feel sad again, Gu Youyou hurriedly changed the subject.

"It takes more than half an hour to take a carriage from the capital to Jinxiu City. I thought about it. Girls like us have to follow a few people in a row when they go out. Let me take Abao with me. It's very popular. By the way, are you afraid? dog?"

(End of this chapter)

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