It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 666 This Is A Niang's Friend

Chapter 666 This Is A Niang's Friend

Second Young Master Xie sighed softly, and said in a low voice, "I'm afraid you won't accept it, so..."

"So it was you who gave it to me." Miss Du was surprised for a moment and then said calmly: "Please come in first, you can be more casual, I still have guests, so I won't greet you."

Xie Qinyun didn't say anything, and said with a smile: "Then you are busy, I will go in by myself."

"Yeah!" Miss Du hummed lightly, then pulled Xie Qinyun and whispered: "Miss Lin and Dr. Gu are in the T-shaped room on the second floor. If you are looking for them, you have to be careful. Take it with you."

"Okay, thank you."

Similarly, Xie Qinyun brushed past the second young master Xie, as if she didn't know him, without saying a word.

Miss Du was busy receiving guests back and forth, but Second Young Master Xie never entered the room, but stood by the door and watched her busy figure.

Standing in front of the window, Gu Youyou and Lin Qianqing were bored watching, and turned back to their chairs to drink tea.

"Cousin, have you looked at Miss Du?"

Gu Youyou pecked at the light tea, and said with a light smile, "What's there to dislike? It's hard to find three-legged toads in this world, but aren't there a lot of men with two legs? As long as you're good enough, I'm afraid there won't be any good men." Upside down?"

Lin Qianqing was used to Gu Youyou's way of thinking, but she was still quite shocked when she heard her forward-thinking words.

Fortunately, the Xiang Toon who was looking for meat for A Bao didn't come back, otherwise he might be so scared when he heard Gu Youyou's words.

On the other side, Xie Qinyun had already gone upstairs and knocked on their door.

Lin Qianqing said happily, "Qin Yun must be here, I'll open the door."

She got up to open the door, Gu Youyou said quietly behind her: "Why don't you guess that Xiang Toon is back?"

Lin Qianqing opened the door with her hand in the air, turned her head and smiled at Gu Youyou: "Xiang Toon is a well-trained maid, she should be careful when knocking on the door, and her voice is appropriate. It must not be like this, it is urgent and heavy, and the visitor is quite ...Excited and eager. So I guess, it must be Xie Qinyun, and she is anxious to tell us her family gossip."

Lin Qianqing analyzed clearly, Gu Youyou gave her a thumbs up, and said: "Cousin, you have improved a lot recently, and your analysis is pretty good."

Living in the deep house compound, it is really difficult for a woman to survive if she doesn't have the slightest scheming. Maybe my aunt is right, and only people like her can become the winners in the back house.

This has nothing to do with her aunt's natal status. With her heart and means, even with the same status as those women raised by her uncle, she can still stand out from the crowd.

Opening the door, she really saw Xie Qinyun happily entering with her maid.

"You guys are so early, ah, what a big dog!"

She had just finished greeting Gu Youyou and Lin Qianqing when she saw A Bao lying on the ground, looking up at her.

Gu Youyou patted A Bao's head lightly, and lowered her head to talk to it.

"This Miss Xie is A Niang's friend, you can't scare her."

"A Niang?" Xie Qinyun was quite frightened by this address, ordered her maid to go downstairs to get food, then closed the door, and sat in the seat farthest from A Bao.

Lin Qianqing smiled and said, "Its aunt is my cousin."

At the beginning, she was also frightened when she heard Gu Youyou's introduction like this. Her cousin is all special.

Xie Qinyun said with a dry smile: "Doctor Gu is really... this is too... special." She wanted to say that Gu Youyou was too unreasonable to make trouble for dogs.

(End of this chapter)

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