It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 667 The Eight Diagrams Brought by Xie Qinyun

Chapter 667 The Gossip Brought by Xie Qinyun
Originally, I thought that I and Lin Qianqing were not like girls in the capital, but I didn't know that there was such a strange person as Gu Youyou in the world.

Gu Youyou smiled lightly: "Miss Xie, don't mind, I just think that I saved its life, I raised it, and it saved my life before. As far as Abao and I are concerned, It's like a relative. This dog has a characteristic, that is, it is absolutely loyal to its master, which is unmatched by humans."

Gu Youyou's words touched her, and Xie Qinyun murmured in a low voice: "Being more loyal than people, they are not as fickle. Yes, it is true that this dog is stronger than some people."

Thinking of her second brother standing at the door, she suddenly laughed.Said: "Let me tell you about Aunt Du, and make people happy."

I knew she was going to say these things.

"Well, you say!"

Gu Youyou set out tea, melons and fruits, and the three women gathered together to discuss other people's gossip.

"After Miss Du left, there was no rest at home. The matter of Aunt Du pushing Miss Du into the lotus pond has not yet been settled. She shamelessly asked her second brother to make her his wife. The second brother ignored her and grabbed her. If she didn't let go of Miss Du's affairs, she was so angry that she took out the people around her.

As for Dongmei, the big maid next to her, she said something disobedient when persuading her, and she beat her to death, knocked out two front teeth, and deafened one of her ears.

That servant girl was brought over from the Du family by her, and she was doing everything for her own good, how hurtful it was to play like that.

She also yelled that she was going to sell her, and sell it exclusively to that lowly flower house. Look who they are.

Dongmei was also frightened by her, so she ran out to ask my second brother to save her.The second brother didn't meet, but met me, and I took her to my yard to save her life.

Miss Ben threatened and lured her, and ensured that she could stay by my side. That's why she told me all the disgusting things that Aunt Du has done these years, and told me a secret. "

Xie Qinyun's mysterious appearance made Lin Qianqing feel itchy.

"What secret? Tell me, tell me!"

Xie Qinyun lowered her voice and said, "That bitch has only been drinking medicine recently, so she has a bad temper. I heard that she fell into the water and framed Miss Du and hurt her body a few years ago. Maybe she won't be able to give birth to a child in this life. .Our family does not allow concubines. She is an exception if she is a concubine. She can't be righted, because she can't give birth to a child and let my second brother take a concubine again? So I put this matter Told my dad."

They already knew about not being able to have children.

Lin Qianqing was stunned, "Then what did your father say? How come you don't know about the fact that she can't have a baby? That's right, they've been married for five years, and they've been occupying your second brother and haven't given birth to a baby yet. Isn't there something wrong with her body?"

"Ahem!" Gu Youyou coughed twice, and said, "Hey, you two should be careful when you speak, you are still a lady."

"Cousin, can you not pretend to be serious?" Lin Qianqing gave Gu Youyou a contemptuous look.

Gu Youyou: "..."

She turned to Xie Qinyun again and said, "Tell me, how is she doing now?"

Xie Qinyun was full of joy, and she was in a very good mood. She said: "What do you do with a woman who can't bear children? Besides, she asked for it herself. Naturally, my father asked the clan to let my second brother divorce her."

Gu Youyou took a sip of tea slowly, and said, "Actually, her disease can be cured, and after proper treatment, she can still give birth."

Xie Qinyun asked in surprise, "How do you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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