Chapter 670 A faint future
Seeing Du Xintong yesterday and today, it seems that the two girls have thought about their future.Thinking of the scene where they would compete with a group of women for a man in the house, their expressions dimmed.

Lin Qianqing sighed, propped her head on her arm and said, "Actually, I'm quite envious of her. If I could trade five years of suffering for a lifetime of freedom and peace, I'd be willing too."

Xie Qinyun poked her and said, "Come on, don't you know where the two of us will be in the future. Unless the imperial power falls and the family declines, even if we die in that house in this life, we don't even have Freedom. I have figured it out a long time ago, so I never expect any freedom after I get married. I just take advantage of the present to play around and make enough money. When my father and brother marry me, I will Just stay there honestly and just think about how to become the No.1 among that group of women."

Lin Qianqing seemed to have thought of something, looked at her blankly, and said, "Do you know who you are most likely to refer to? The eldest prince or the second prince?"

"How do I know this?" Xie Qinyun spread her hands.

Lin Qianqing swallowed her saliva, suddenly felt very embarrassed, and said in a low voice, "Then maybe... maybe... we will marry into the same mansion. Qin Yun, do you want to attack the women in the mansion, including me?"

Xie Qinyun was also stunned, staring at Lin Qianqing in a daze.

It was indeed a question, and she had never thought about it.

Could she and Lin Qianqing become enemies competing for favor?

no no no...

Xie Qinyun shook her head, and said, "Then let's try not to marry into the same cage, I can't promise not to argue with you."

" can we avoid entering the same cage?"

"You..." Xie Qinyun narrowed her eyes slightly, and said, "Based on the relationship between your mother and the empress, you probably want to marry your eldest prince's cousin, so, alas, I have to go back and talk to my father, Let's see if he can influence the emperor's intentions, and point it out to the second prince."

"Second prince!" Lin Qianqing smiled bitterly: "The second prince and the first prince are at odds, and there are only two princes in the emperor, and the future emperor will also be one of them. If we enter the residences of the two princes separately, what will happen in the future?" You can still be sisters, but you can only be enemies."

These topics were too sad, and several people in the room fell silent after talking.

But Gu Youyou's silence had nothing to do with their conversation, she was always thinking about the eldest princess, so she didn't pay attention to what they were talking about.

Lin Qianqing tugged at the corner of Gu Youyou's clothes, and said weakly, "Cousin, why do you think my life is so miserable..."

Gu Youyou withdrew her thoughts, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with life?"

"Just what we said!"

"What did you say?" Gu Youyou was a little confused.

Lin Qianqing and Xie Qinyun were stunned and complained together.

"Are you in a daze?"

"We've been talking for a long time and you still haven't figured out what you're suffering from?"

Uh, forgive her for really being in a daze.

"I... was just looking at the streets of Jinxiu City. It's more lively than the capital and Lingnan!" Gu Youyou laughed dryly.

Gaining two pairs of resentful little eyes, actually watching the excitement is more interesting than listening to their distress?
Gu Youyou stuck out her tongue, and said, "Okay, okay, tell me, what troubles do the two young ladies have in puberty."

Lin Qianqing said: "Qin Yun and I are talking about the future."

"Oh, you still have a future?" Gu Youyou joked.

(End of this chapter)

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