It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 671 It's All Birds in a Cage

Chapter 671 It's All Birds in a Cage

After finishing speaking, two small resentful eyes shot over again, Gu Youyou smiled dryly, grabbed the few melon seeds left and kowtowed.

"You say you say, continue."

"If we marry into the same palace, how will we live in the future?"

"Oh, aren't they two princes? Not enough?" Gu Youyou teased nonchalantly.

Her face was very calm, but her heart was trembling.

Such two girls in the Mood for Love will... maybe be worse than Miss Du.

"Cousin!" Lin Qianqing bit her lip and looked at her resentfully.

"Can you be more serious?"

"I'm serious, tell me." Gu Youyou dropped the melon seeds and sat up straight.

Let's hear how annoying their troubles are.

She is a forward-thinking time traveler, but so what?In fact, her ability is limited, and she may not be able to redeem herself, let alone save others.

An imperial decree from the emperor, even Xiefu and Linfu can only accept it.

The reality is so cruel.

Lin Qianqing said: "We said that if they marry into the same palace, they might become the next Du Xintong and Du Wanqing. If they are not in the same palace, they will definitely become enemies for each other.

Cousin, if you don't care about the affairs of the court, you don't know. The first prince and the second prince have long been in the same situation. One of them must be the winner of the battle for imperial power and the other the loser.Think about the fate of the third prince back then, as a loser, there is only one word of death.Slash all over the house! "

Gu Youyou agreed and nodded.

"Why do you think so much? Thinking about it, what are you doing? Can you solve the current predicament? Or, if you estimate which prince has a better chance of winning, you will move closer to that prince?"

Gu Youyou's words awakened the person in the dream, and as soon as her words came out, both of them fell silent.

Yes, why think so much?For young ladies like them, the higher they are born, the less freedom they have.

Who they want to marry is never something they can decide, even if that person meets Hades the next day, they are not the ones who should be buried with them, the widows who should be widowed.

Gu Youyou thought more than them, if Jin Zijin came out to recognize the emperor in the future, it would be fun for the three princes to compete for the throne.

If it fails, in fact, she will be the same.

So if you can fight for it, do your best to fight for it.And when you know you can't do it, why waste your time?

Gu Youyou sighed, and said: "If any of you dare to escape from marriage, give up your status and escape from the capital, I will be the first to agree and help with all my strength. But the family behind you, your honor and disgrace, have long been integrated with the family. I Knowing that neither of you will choose to escape this path."

The atmosphere in the room was a little stiff, Ah Bao had already finished his lunch, cleaned his paws and walked out gracefully from behind the screen.

Gu Youyou patted its head, and rubbed it again and again.

Bao's hair is so beautiful.

It has grown so big, I don't know if it will flutter butterflies like before.

Lin Qianqing bit her lip and sat on the stool slumped, and said in a low voice, "I really envy Miss Du. Although she suffered some hardships, she was able to escape completely."

Gu Youyou sighed: "You, grandma raised your temperament like this. She originally hoped that you would be happier, but she didn't want to. Your temperament is suitable for living in the unfettered fields, but not suitable for the tall mansions in the capital. Compound. Is this good for you or bad for you...

(End of this chapter)

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