It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 676 The person on the roof is me

Chapter 676 The person on the roof is me

Yue Rujing pushed her against the corner of the wall and said in a low voice, "Why did you come here?"

Gu Youyou was slightly surprised, and said in shock: "Are you going to find the medicine man?"

Yue Rujing raised her eyebrows and asked, "How do you know?" Then she said, "Did the brother tell you?"

Gu Youyou said: "Zijin said that you found a medicine man in Jinxiu City. It just so happens that you are in Jinxiu City today, that's why I thought you were looking for a medicine man."

Yue Rujing nodded and said: "That's right, I'm looking for a medicine man, you can't follow."

Gu Youyou: "..."

"You're so troublesome, you can't control what you're messing about? Okay, okay, let's go together."

"No!" Gu Youyou said seriously: "No, I won't go. I came to you to ask about the road in the morning. Our carriage master has changed, and there is an extra person on the roof, who is it? Since You also happen to come to Jinxiu City today, so you must know what happened in the morning, right?"

Yue Rujing breathed a sigh of relief, changed into a foolish look, and said with a smile: "I know, the person on the roof is me."

Gu Youyou: "..."

"Why do you think so much? I just keep you safe."

Gu Youyou said angrily: "Can I not want to? You scare... my cousin! What's going on?"

Yue Rujing's complexion darkened, and she said: "It's just a few bad boys, don't mention it. You'd better go back quickly, I have to go too, I finally tricked that Wan'er girl to lead me the way, but It can’t be because of you.”

Gu Youyou despised him, and said brokenly: "Sooner or later, you will fall into the hands of a woman."


Miss Wan'er took Yue Rujing to a remote courtyard in the city.The yard is square, with two tile-roofed houses, a stone table, a vegetable field, and a peach tree.In the courtyard, a middle-aged woman bent down to draw water from a well.

This courtyard is obviously the same as other courtyards in Jinxiu City, but after people walk in here, there will be a burst of cold air.

The orientation of this house, and the willow and locust trees surrounding the courtyard were intentional, forming a yin-gathering array, making the courtyard extremely cold.

Just by looking at the moon like a mirror in this direction, one can tell that... this woman... is the medicine man raised here by Xuanzong.

"My lord, do you think it's her?" Wan'er asked.

Yue Rujing nodded happily, "Yes, it's her, Miss Wan'er, thank you so much, your kindness will never be forgotten."

Wan'er lowered her head shyly, looked at the woman over there and said, "Sister Lu, Wan'er has come to see you."

The woman pulled up the bucket and turned her head to look at Wan'er dully.Then he moved his gaze to Yue Rujing, and then lowered his head again after a moment.

She poured most of the bucket into a large water tank next to her, and threw the bucket into the well again.

Wan'er turned her head and smiled at Yue Rujing, and said, "Don't worry, Big Sister Lu looks like this, but she is actually a very nice person."

Yue Rujing nodded slightly, and said: "My cousin has been missing for more than ten years, she must have suffered a lot, I am afraid that even the family has forgotten, otherwise, she would not stay here alone without returning. Home."

Wan'er seems to have never thought about these issues, but seeing the foolish appearance of the eldest sister Lu, she agrees with Yue Rujing's words very much, and only says: "Biao Auntie is so pitiful!"

Wan'er stepped forward to help Lu Chengjun bring up another bucket of water and pour it into the water tank.

The water tank was full, so she stopped fetching water, but started to water the vegetable patch in the yard with half a bucket of water.

(End of this chapter)

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