Chapter 677

She was only busy with her own affairs, as if she didn't see two more people in the courtyard.

Wan'er followed, grabbed her gourd, and said, "Sister Lu, your family is looking for you. Look, that young master is your relative."

Lu Chengjun remained indifferent, grabbed the gourd from Wan'er's hand and continued to water it.

Wan'er had no choice but to walk back, sighed, and said helplessly, "My lord, what do you think we should do now?"

Yue Rujing said: "I'm afraid it will be difficult for Aunt Biao to be like this now, let's go back first, I have to think about this matter."

Wan'er nodded and sighed: "Well, the young master has to worry again."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, as long as someone finds it."


In the Sanqing Temple, Mrs. Lin brought the Lin family's second daughter, Lin Zixin, and the young master, Lin Shenxing, to sit on the futon sent by the Taoist boy and listen to the Dharma meeting.

After a Dharma meeting, many people in the hall couldn't bear the sore waist and arm pain caused by kneeling for a long time, and began to stretch their bodies.

It was the first time for the three members of the Lin family to come here, and they were especially victorious.

Mrs. Lin looked at the two little ones and couldn't bear it, so she said: "You guys go out for some activities, there will be another one in a while."

Lin Zixin and Lin Shenxing ran out with their numb legs and feet as if they had received an amnesty.

I wanted to go out a long time ago, but I didn't dare.

Asparagus saw that the young lady and the young master came out, so she hurriedly went to the old lady in the hall. Seeing that the old lady was rubbing her legs with great effort, she hurriedly knelt down beside the old lady, beating her legs and giving her She rubbed her shoulders.

"Old madam, why are you doing this? You don't understand this dharma meeting. It seems that you are exhausted."

The old lady is easy-going, and the maids around her are more daring, so she dared to talk to her like this.

The old lady was not angry either, she just smiled and said, "While my old bones can still walk, it would be nice to come and see the Sanqing Dharma Assembly that protects our Zhuzhao country, and the weather is good. Next time, I will meet the old ladies from other families." You can still pick up the conversation if you chat, can't you?"

Looking up, there are quite a few believers who came here to listen to the Fa conference, most of them were old ladies with their daughters-in-law and granddaughters.

"Oh, you don't believe that." Asparagus sighed.

The old lady thumped her on the head with a thump, lowered her voice and said: "You girl, you have been pampered to the point of lawlessness. You dare to say such nonsense even if you don't even look at this place."

Asparagus covered her head and looked left and right, quickly shrunk her neck, and said, "Your servant understands, I should slap my big mouth." As he spoke, he patted his own mouth twice.

The old lady smiled in satisfaction, and when she looked up, she saw an old man in a Taoist robe with white hair and beard walking towards her, and she smiled calmly at Asparagus: "Go and see Miss Young Master, don't let They ran away."

Asparagus responded, got up and walked out.

Yu Jizi stroked his long beard and walked towards Mrs. Lin with a faint smile, sat down on the futon opposite her, and said softly: "This is the first time for this old lady to attend the Fa conference. I see you in person." Born very well."

Mrs. Lin became cautious when she heard the word "this seat", she hurriedly got up and saluted, and said: "It turns out that it is the Master of the National Teacher, but the old student is blind. I hope the Master of the National Teacher will forgive me."

Yu Jizi laughed and said: "The old lady is too polite. I am just a Taoist boy under the statue of Sanqing. How can I afford the ceremony? Madam wants to worship, just worship the statue of Sanqing."

On the other side, Asparagus looked at the person talking to the old lady in the hall from a distance and was really worried, so he grabbed a Taoist boy and asked: "Hey, brother, who is that old man in black and white hair? "

(End of this chapter)

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