Chapter 683 Find One and Kill One

Gu Youyou: "...Those people are too bold. Didn't they say that the official road from the capital to Jinxiu City is the safest? They dare to kill people on the official road?"

Jin Zijin sneered and said, "There is no safe place in this world, not even the heavily guarded imperial palace."

Uh... Seeing Jin Zijin like this, I'm afraid he won't be able to ask anything.

Gu Youyou has been with him for a long time, and she has gained some experience.

She didn't rush to ask things she couldn't ask, it was a waste of expression.

She rolled over, tangled her fingers through his smooth hair, and changed the subject.

"When I went out in the morning, my aunt said that she was helping me find a suitable in-law's family. What do you think of this?"

She could clearly feel the tightness of the person opposite, and the vast sea of ​​eyes became darker a little bit, and then, she heard him utter two words coldly, "Push."

Gu Youyou smiled indifferently and said: "Oh, I want to push it too, but do you think I have a place to talk about this kind of thing? I can only listen to my uncle and aunt about this matter, why don't you talk about it?" ?”

"I'll go?" Jin Zijin sneered, "Okay, I'll go!"

ah……?You won't really go, will you?
Gu Youyou was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Hey, don't go, you play tricks on my aunt's targets, so she won't be able to pick a suitable one in three to five years, so that's it."

Jin Zijin's tense body relaxed, and said with a light smile, "If that's the case...well, I'll listen to you."

It's been a long night, and they are used to lying in bed and chatting.When talking about the other five medicine men, Jin Zijin seemed a little wrong, as if he had something to hide from her.

I can't stand him.

"Now that you have found another one in Jinxiu City, there are only four left. Do you have any idea?"

Jin Zijin said: "Where is it so easy to find a medicine man? It was an accident to find you. Jin Ziyuan's status is special, because he made too many loopholes back then, and the one in Fairview City took several years to find. They may be considered a bit of a clue, but it is not easy for people who have avoided Xuanzong to find them."

"What are you going to do when you find it?"

Jin Zijin sighed, "I don't know yet."

"I don't know?" Seeing that he turned his head away, Gu Youyou became even more disturbed.

"Why don't you know? Are you afraid of me thinking about it? Tell me."

Gu Youyou didn't like to ask questions, but she didn't seem so calm about how they dealt with the medicine man. After all, she was also a medicine man.

Jin Zijin gently hugged her into his arms, brushed her sideburns behind her ears, and whispered, "You really want to know?"

"Of course." Gu Youyou said seriously.

Jin Zijin smiled wryly: "The safest way is to find one and kill the other, so that his dream of longevity becomes empty talk."

"Kill...kill?" Oh, it really is a safe way.

"Then you killed...the one from Fairview City?"

Jin Zijin shook his head and said, "No."

"Oh..." Gu Youyou breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ah Jing went this time, just to make sure that they are the medicine people raised by Xuanzong. In order to protect the medicine people, they often put them in the most inconspicuous place, and no one will watch them closely. But if the medicine people die It will definitely scare the snake away, and it will be difficult for us to find other medicine people in the future. Besides, now that I have you, I am afraid that the other party will be cornered and jump over the wall in a hurry."

"Are you afraid that Yujizi will do something to me?" Gu Youyou said with a dry smile.

"That's right!" Jin Zijin recalled what happened during the day, and said, " careful with your grandmother."

(End of this chapter)

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