It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 684 Seeing Lin Xingyi at Night

Chapter 684 Seeing Lin Xingyi at Night

"My grandmother?" Gu Youyou felt confused after hearing his words.

"Your grandmother went to Sanqing Temple today, Yujizi seems to have said something to her."

... In the flower hall in the afternoon, Gu Youyou was only concerned about the attack on the road, and didn't pay attention to the abnormality of her grandmother.

"You didn't drug the toon today, did you?" Jin Zijin asked again.

Gu Youyou nodded, and said: "Xiang Toon was beaten for me today, I let her rest early, she doesn't keep watch."

Jin Zijin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good, don't drug her recently."


"It's getting late, go to bed." Jin Zijin got up and went to blow out the lamp.

"Wait, I have something else to do." Gu Youyou suddenly remembered the meeting with the eldest princess in Manxiu Tower today.

"I met the eldest princess in Fairview City."

Jin Zijin sighed: "She is used to a luxurious life, and often goes to Splendid City. It's strange to meet her anywhere, but it's not strange to meet her in Splendid City."


"Xiao Jinfei's residence is outside Fairview City, and this is also because she loves Fairview City."

"Xiao Jinfei?"

"He is the eldest son of the Xiao family, Xiao Jinyan's eldest brother, Xiao Jinfei. He is the son-in-law of the eldest princess!"

Gu Youyou was stunned for a long while but did not speak.

its not right……

"Don't you guys know she's fake? The Xiao family is helping you!"

Jin Zijin said: "I can't expose her identity now, and the emperor bestowed her a marriage, so I have to marry. Besides... it's still useful to keep her now."

Ouch, this is really embarrassing that cousin.


This night, Mrs. Lin and Lin Xingyi were also restless.

In the afternoon, Mrs. Lin told Lin Xingyi what happened to Lin Qianqing and Gu Youyou on the way to Jinxiu City. Lin Xingyi only told the yamen normally that he couldn't reveal a word about Yue Rujing, and he would deal with it.

Mrs. Lin is a person who is deeply educated by the decadent thinking of marrying and obeying her husband, and a woman leading a man inside and a man outside. Since Lin Xingyi has said that, she naturally has no complaints.

But at night, Mrs. Lin secretly called Lin Xingyi to her residence alone.

In Mrs. Lin's room, all the maidservants were sent away, and the lamps were lit, and there was only the mother and child in the room.

"Mother, if you have something to say, you must find Xingyi in the middle of the night and say it?"

Mrs. Lin was restless after returning from Sanqing Temple, and she felt a little better after seeing Lin Xingyi, so she recounted the strange words he said to herself when she met Yu Jizi in Sanqing Temple today. Tell Lin Xingyi.

Lin Xingyi frowned deeply after hearing this, and remained silent for a long time.

Mrs. Lin said anxiously: "What do you mean by that? Isn't he a Taoist priest? What do you want to pay attention to our family?
And Yoyo, why did he say that about Yoyo?Are you trying to remind me of something? "

Lin Xingyi sighed: "Mother, don't think about it, my son knows it well."

"How can I not think about it? Do you still remember your sister? If it weren't for her, you wouldn't be as beautiful as you are today. You are still a scholar of the palace, maybe you are still digging dirt in the village. Yoyo is her only daughter. If This is...fake, but we raise her as a baby, how can you make me feel worthy of your sister?"

Lin Xingyi said helplessly: "Mother, how could it be fake? Don't think about it."

"I don't want to think about it, but what does Yujizi mean? Or, in fact, you have secretly arranged someone to teach her all these years?"

Lin Xingyi looked dignified and shook his head lightly: "No."

(End of this chapter)

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