It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 685 Have you ever heard of a child prodigy?

Chapter 685 Have you ever heard of a child prodigy?
"No?" The old lady became excited, "Then... is that... really fake? The national teacher is reminding me that the Gu Youyou we brought home is fake?"

"How could it be fake?" Lin Xingyi was actually not sure. He had doubted about Gu Youyou's unusual features, but he just believed in the characters of Jin Zijin and Yue Rujing.Such a big thing, since they said it was true, then he believed it.

"Mother, don't think about it. It's getting late tonight, so go to bed early. If you really worry about it being fake, why don't you call Yoyo to the room alone tomorrow and test her out."

"Yes, try it out, of course I will try it out. If she is really a fake and hides my real granddaughter, I can't spare her. And Xiaoqiu, I used to think he was doing things properly, now It's done..."

Lin Xingyi sighed: "Mother, I'm still not sure if it's fake or not, you think too much."

"Yes, I'm not sure yet, let's talk about it tomorrow."


On the second day, Gu Youyou was really dragged to the old lady's have breakfast together.

Of course, she knew very well what was going to happen, Jin Zijin had already told her last night.

This long-tongued Yujizi can be found everywhere.

"Grandmother!" Gu Youyou saluted Mrs. Lin respectfully.

Seeing Gu Youyou's well-behaved appearance and this standard etiquette, Mrs. Lin felt even more uneasy, and said, "You have learned the etiquette well, much better than the girls. Sit down!"

Gu Youyou sat down and said, "This is the old lady of Lingnan Hou's mansion who taught me well."

"Oh?" Mrs. Lin was a little surprised, and she was relieved when she thought that she had stayed in Lingnan for a while.

After breakfast, Mrs. Lin sent all the servants away, and asked Gu Youyou intentionally or unintentionally: "I heard that there is a legend about a child prodigy in Lianhua Village. Such as medical skills beyond ordinary people."

Gu Youyou took a mouthful of porridge calmly, and said, "How can such a thing be a legend, grandma, you should have seen it with your own eyes."

"I saw it with my own eyes?" Mrs. Lin felt that Gu Youyou was messing with her, and her tone became unhappy.

"Who the hell are you? I don't bother to go around with you. You might as well just tell me. I have been treated by you. You have confessed honestly. As long as my granddaughter is safe and sound, I will not make things difficult for you."

Gu Youyou said in a daze: "What is grandma talking about? Naturally, I am your granddaughter, Gu Youyou."

"Hmph..." Mrs. Lin snorted coldly.

Gu Youyou said: "I'm a little weird, but I followed my mother. Think about it carefully, is my mother... extremely intelligent?"

"Your mother?" Mrs. Lin frowned as she recalled her eldest daughter.

Speaking of her eldest daughter, she has always been very proud.

Smart and capable, he led a large family to live a good life.It can be said that the Lin family is today thanks to her.

Of course she was happy that her daughter was born smart and capable, but she never felt that there was anything unusual about her.

After all, she was born by herself and raised by herself. Before she got married, she never left her for a day.

What could be wrong but natural intelligence?

But this granddaughter is different, she was not raised by her side, she came to her when she grew up, and she didn't realize that she was so smart when she was young.

(End of this chapter)

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