Chapter 686
Gu Youyou took another sip of porridge, and said lightly: "My mother is very smart, so I just let her go."

"But your mother was raised by me, she has no problem." Mrs. Lin said.

Gu Youyou said: "But she can also read without being taught, and there will be many unbelievable things without being taught."

Mrs. Lin's heart skipped a beat. Thinking about it carefully, her eldest daughter is really like this.

But for so many years, she has long been used to the difference of that daughter, but she doesn't feel that there is anything wrong.

So what if she gave birth to a pair of unparalleled children?
"Grandmother, you believe that my mother is born smart, why don't you believe in Yoyo for a while? If you really don't believe it, you can go and inquire. Yoyo has entered that room since she was seven years old and has never come out for ten years. Everyone knows it, and you can tell the truth if you ask!"

Mrs. Lin's mind was buzzing.

Many, many, she remembered her eldest daughter's extraordinary intelligence.With this thought, it was out of control.

No one taught her, she knew how to read and taught Xingyi to read since she was a child.When she talked about it to outsiders, she said that she followed Xingyi and practiced calligraphy.

She can settle accounts, do business, and make strange pastries that no one in the world has ever seen. After her death, she never ate those pastries.Thinking hard, Xingyi had people search all over the country, but they never found a master who could make that pastry.


Mrs. Lin looked up at Gu Youyou, and asked in a trembling voice, "What are you...why?"

What she couldn't even ask.

Gu Youyou said: "Grandmother, since my mother didn't tell you back then, there is a reason why she couldn't tell you. Today, Youyou can't tell you either, do you trust me and my mother?"

"Letter..." Natural letter.

Both mother and daughter are not ordinary people.

Old Mrs. Lin's old eyes were filled with tears, and she was out of control.She fell on the edge of the table and cried for a long, long time!

Her eldest daughter spent her whole life for that family, and it was she who led the family to become rich, so that the Lin family has the prosperity it is today.

It's a pity that God has no eyes, but let her go at a young age.

Gu Youyou sat opposite and didn't move, she knew that the old lady needed time to accept it.


Second Young Master Xie came back from Jinxiu City and had trouble sleeping and eating. He went to Jinxiu City two days later. Now he has been in Jinxiu City for five days. In power every day.I haven't been there for five days, and the Ministry of Industry has already complained a lot. The minister of the Ministry of Industry, Mr. Chao, asked Mr. Xie when he was coming down to court, and said: "Mr. Xie, I have not seen you for a long time, is there something wrong at home?"

As soon as this son was mentioned, Mr. Xie became angry, and said angrily: "Didn't you say that he is on vacation?"

One level of official rank crushes people to death, not to mention that Mr. Xie is two full ranks higher than the position of minister of the Ministry of Industry.Therefore, Mr. Chao could only apologize with a smile: "What's wrong with the second son? How long do you want to rest?"

For a vacation, he thought it was just a day or two. For young people, it is normal for young people to want to play for a day or two occasionally.

But the Second Young Master Xie hadn't come to the Ministry of Industry for five days, so he had to ask about it as a servant of the Ministry of Industry.

Lord Xie snorted coldly: "I'm sick, who knows how long I'll have to rest? You can just pretend that he died outside."

Khan towards the adults!

It is said that Mr. Xie and his two sons are having a serious quarrel, and he intends to sever the relationship between father and son, it seems to be true.

(End of this chapter)

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