Chapter 695
After Miss Du finished speaking, she turned around and left without looking at that crazy Aunt Du.

Aunt Du stopped laughing wildly, and slapped the window like crazy again, shouting loudly: "Don't go, don't go, let me out..."

After a while, she shook her head violently and shouted another sentence.

"No, you go, you can't come to Xie's house again, you are the abandoned woman who was kicked out of Xie's house, you go..."

The onlookers shook their heads and whispered, "Aunt Du is probably really crazy."


Gu Youyou was so busy until dark that she finished the finger-joining operation. She was so tired that she couldn't stand it anymore. On the other hand, the second young master Xie was sweating profusely in pain during the whole process, so he clenched his teeth and didn't say a word.

This reminded her of the legend of Guan Gong's bone scraping.

This scumbag still has some willpower.

After putting away the things, Gu Youyou stood up and said to Second Young Master Xie: "That's it for now, always pay attention to the color change of the severed finger, if it turns black, you need someone to notify me immediately, otherwise your life will be in danger.

If everything is normal, I can remove the stitches for you in about ten days.However, the steel needles used to fix it cannot be moved, so to be on the safe side, it will take nearly two months.Just pay more attention during this break, don't get hurt again. "

Second Young Master Xie took a deep breath and hummed lightly.

Seeing that he couldn't hold on any longer, Gu Youyou didn't say anything, and went outside.

Xie Qinyun hurried to catch up, and asked anxiously, "What's the matter, is my second brother okay?"

Gu Youyou said: "The severed finger is connected, I don't know if it can survive, just observe more in the next few days."

"Can a broken finger be attached?" Obviously, they thought that Gu Youyou was just going to heal the wound on Master Xie Er's finger, but they never expected that she was joining the severed finger for the second young master Xie.

At this time, Second Young Master Xie also came out. Wasn't his broken little finger connected by Gu Youyou?

Xie Qinyun looked at his hands and secretly marveled, "Doctor Gu, you are really amazing, did you really catch it?"

Gu Youyou was elated when she heard it, and she was secretly proud, but she didn't care about showing off on the surface: "There's nothing strange about it, as long as conditions permit, let alone losing a finger, breaking a limb, changing a heart and a liver will be fine."

"Cousin, you are amazing!" Lin Qianqing said with a look of admiration.

Gu Youyou chuckled, looked at the sky and it was getting late, she didn't see Miss Du after she came out, so she asked, "Where is Miss Du? Cousin, didn't she come with you?"

Lin Qianqing glanced at Second Young Master Xie, and said, "Miss Du went to see Aunt Du after she came, and left after she came back, saying she was waiting for you at our house."

Seeing the Second Young Master Xie's complexion paled a bit behind him, he thought: She didn't even look at me, she thought she was here to see me, but she didn't expect to see her sister.

"In that case, let's go back without delay." Gu Youyou said to Lin Qianqing.

Xie Qinyun looked at her second brother worriedly, then turned around and sent Gu Youyou and the others out.

"Your father is back, did you say how to deal with Aunt Du?"

When passing by the flower hall, Gu Youyou asked a question.

Xie Qinyun said: "I heard that Aunt Du is crazy, a lunatic, I really don't know what to do with her. She is like this, if we throw her on the street, it will affect my father's reputation."

In order to understand the temperament of adults, it is not possible to throw a lunatic on the street to be laughed at.

What's more, no matter what Aunt Du has done, she is Master Du's daughter.


(End of this chapter)

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