Chapter 696 Hidden jade pendant
It was already dark when Gu Youyou went back, Miss Du had already returned to Fairview City, leaving only one set of clothes behind.

Xiangchun said: "Miss Du saw that you hadn't come back for a long time, so she left first. When she left, she left this suit and said it was for you. She also said what she wanted to say, and we will talk about it next time."

Gu Youyou nodded slightly, and said, "I see, you go back to rest first, it's hot now, I don't want to employ people to watch the night."

Xiang Toon left, Gu Youyou closed the door, and then opened the clothes to have a look.

This dress is exactly the drawing she sent last time.

She laughed and changed the clothes first.

Miss Du is here today, I'm afraid she came to talk to her about clothing cooperation, she must have smelled this business opportunity, hateful Aunt Du, she didn't kill the scumbag man sooner or later, but she did it at this time ?Miss Du is a very busy person, and it was not easy to come here once, because the broken finger was delayed.

After changing into her clothes, Gu Youyou really missed a huge floor-to-ceiling mirror.In this day and age, if you want to see a clear full-body portrait, it seems that you have to wait until dawn to go to the lake.

At this time, the lake water can clearly reflect the figures.

Looking at the bronze mirror on the dressing table, the effect of the blurred half-body is still good.

I will wear this suit to the palace tomorrow, and the advertising will start from the palace.

She touched her waist, and quickly went to the hanger to take out the clothes she had just changed.

Inside the clothes was a small pouch that she sewed separately, and a small jade pendant lay inside.

This was the jade pendant that Jin Zijin had always regarded as a treasure at the beginning. She had always wanted to find a suitable opportunity, or a suitable reason, to return this jade pendant to him, but she never had the chance.

Gu Youyou has seen such good things in modern times. Judging from the fineness of this jade, it is better than any jade she has ever seen. It is a national treasure.He gave such an important thing to the boatman as the boat fare, and he didn't know what was going on in his mind.

Probably the story of this jade has surpassed the value of the jade itself in his heart.

Gu Youyou redeemed this jade pendant for him, and she kept it close to her body all the time. Maybe he will need it again in the future?

Gu Youyou found a needle and thread, and she needed to embroider a secret pouch on the suit she was wearing to put the jade on it.

The style of the clothes didn't affect her sewing, so she didn't bother to take them off.

The needle and thread are fast in Gu Youyou's hands. She has always used the needle accurately and steadily, and she sewed it up in a short time.

Stuck on the inside of the waist, it does not affect the appearance, and it is not easy to be found.

There was a strange wind sound from the wall behind the house, Gu Youyou was familiar with this sound, it was Jin Zijin who came.

She hurriedly stuffed the jade pendant in, quickly sewed up the opening, and bit off the thread.

Jin Zijin came in silently, stood in the dark for a moment, and asked, "Why are you still sewing so late?"

Gu Youyou smiled and said, "Some wires are out of order."

Jin Zijin walked towards her, looked her up and down, raised his eyebrows and asked, "New clothes?"

Gu Youyou got up and turned around, and said with a smile: "Yes, this dress was sent by Miss Du today, it is just like the one I drew before, do you think it looks good?"

"It's pretty!" Jin Zijin nodded with a smile.

Gu Youyou knew that he couldn't say any better words of praise with his temper, so she didn't make things difficult for him, so she said: "The queen mother can stand up and walk a few steps, I will go into the palace tomorrow, my two apprentices It's time to take care of it."

Jin Zijin didn't say much, just nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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