It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 711 Someone can't hold back

Chapter 711 Someone can't hold back

Lin Xingyi did not deny her statement, but the problem is not here at all.

He held back in his heart but didn't know what to do. After thinking for a while, he said: "I think this bastard from the Hu family has to be revisited. Nowadays, there are many dudes pretending to be talented and learned. It's not easy to get admitted to Juren." It's not a big deal, we'll see and talk about it later."

Mrs. Lin said unhappily: "I know you don't think it's so great to raise people, do you think everyone is like you? Wait and see, when people attend Chunwei High School, they will look down on Yoyo. I'm not doing this for Yoyo Alright, so we’ve got this right and we’re talking about this marriage. If their family cares about their son’s future, they will definitely agree to our marriage.”

Lin Xingyi had been wandering in the square for many years, and instantly understood what Mrs. Lin meant.

He was stunned for a moment, and looked at her inexplicably, with a cold expression on his face.

It was probably because Lin Xingyi was born in the grassroots, and he actually got the number one scholar and became a big official, so he has always disliked those rich and powerful who played tricks behind their backs to get ahead.

Mrs. Lin enjoys living among officials and wives, and she is very familiar with these ways, and he knows it well.

Using Yoyo to promote the concubine of the Hu family is probably related to her natal family.

Of course, this doesn't mean that she treats Youyou badly, logically speaking, this is indeed a good relationship, but he, Lin Xingyi, doesn't bother to be an official, and Gu Youyou won't marry that Hu family.

"I'll think about it again, and I hope you, Madam, will also think about it. Our Lin family's foundation is not stable, and our relatives are also poor." Lin Xingyi didn't say too much, because if the father-in-law really meant it, then it would be too involved.

The latter sentence, please think about it, Madam Lin, means to remind Madam Lin that although you are the daughter of the Duke's Mansion, you are now the wife of the Lin family, so you have to consider for the Lin family.

It's best not to wade in the muddy water that shouldn't be waddled.

Mrs. Lin is a smart person who can read words and demeanor. Her husband, who has always been a modest gentleman, rarely loses his face, so he is a little angry.

She knows how to advance and retreat.

"Okay, then... let's take a look again?"

"Well, this is a big deal." Lin Xingyi said seriously.

"Okay, you should go to bed earlier, and I'll be leaving first." Mrs. Lin also became solemn.

The setting sun shone into the study, casting Lin Xingyi's shadow very long.

He stood with his hands behind his back, standing upright.

The emperor is still in good health, and the Duke's Mansion has already begun to train a new generation of close officials.

Knowing that the emperor likes to pick young people with clean family backgrounds and no factions, he extended his hand to the Hu family.

Master Hu is the head of the Ministry of Rites, a sixth-rank official, and is overwhelmed by the minister of the Ministry of Rites, Minister of the Ministry of Rites. He has no real power. His family has a son who is amazingly talented, but he is also a bastard.

Such a person, they naturally want to win over.

The ladies of the Duke's Mansion, even if they are concubines, are very expensive, and it is absolutely impossible for them to marry such a small family.If you wait for someone to remarry after high school, but she is not as beautiful as when she was down and down, so I thought of Yoyo.

"Hmph, I made a wrong calculation." Lin Xingyi said coldly.


Three days later, Jin Zijin made arrangements for his trip, and the destination was a Zhuangzi owned by Miss Du.

During the years when Miss Du was in Xie's house, she hadn't managed it, and the people in Zhuangzi didn't let Zhuangzi be abandoned, and they were still well-organized.

Gu Youyou told Lin Qianqing about this, and asked her to find a reason to go out. If she couldn't find it, she would obediently climb the wall by herself.

It was easy for Gu Youyou to go out. She went to Mrs. Lin's yard and said, "Auntie, my medicine is almost used up, so I have to go to Jishengtang to get it."

(End of this chapter)

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