Chapter 712 Disguised Woman

Mrs. Lin looked at her, and said calmly: "Let Xiang Toon take care of these trivial matters, why do you need to go there yourself?"

Gu Youyou said: "My medicine is so fine that there can be no mistakes. I should have adjusted the wrong medicine last time, and Youyou almost didn't recover, thanks to Senior Brother Yue Rujing. It’s very troublesome, the things in the mansion are not as easy to use as those in Jishengtang.”

It was a matter of life and death, Madam Lin didn't dare to insist, so she could only say: "Well, let Xiang Toon follow, go early and return early. Your uncle said that the remnant party of the third prince has changed recently. You'd better not go out if you have nothing to do. It will be troublesome if the damned one comes looking for you again."

"Understood, aunt!"

Gu Youyou was secretly happy in her heart, obediently agreed, and left the house smoothly.

But why did the remaining party of the Third Prince change again?Her heart skipped a beat, Jin Ziyuan will come to the capital again, right?

When the carriage arrived at Jisheng Hall, Yue Rujing and Jin Zijin were already waiting in the backyard.

The two of them had already done their makeup, if they were not very familiar with them, they would have almost not recognized them.

Gu Youyou burst out laughing, and said: "You guys look like my fellows from Jishengtang."

Yue Rujing smiled and said: "Our identity is that of Jishengtang's buddies, who go to the countryside to collect medicinal materials."

This reason is very good.

Looking at Jin Zijin, Gu Youyou asked worriedly: "You are going too, are you okay?"

I heard that their brain-destroyed master is here again.

Jin Zijin said calmly: "It's okay, Yixi has come to take care of me too, Master has recognized Yixi as me these two days."

Gu Youyou: "..."

She was a little curious, what does this old man look like?
Most likely some senile dementia.

It is not easy to live to be a hundred years old. The key point is that this centenarian can run around Qishan and Beijing, and it takes four or five days to travel by horse-drawn carriage.

Gu Youyou looked around, but didn't see Lin Qianqing, so she asked, "Where is my cousin? Has she come yet?"

Yue Rujing pursed her lips, pointed to a room and said, "I'm changing clothes and make-up in the room, you go and change too."

While speaking, Lin Qianqing had already come out, wearing a set of clothes of a boy, she didn't know what she used to smear her face, her fair skin looked much rougher, at first glance, she really looked like a skinny coolie boy.

Gu Youyou burst out laughing, and said: "Who made it for you, I almost didn't recognize it, the makeup is pretty good." Shengsheng painted a watery little beauty into a coolie boy.

Lin Qianqing shook her head and said, "I don't know, the person brought by Yue Shizi." She smiled and said, "It's changed a lot, right? I almost dare not recognize it myself."

Gu Youyou nodded and gave a thumbs up.

She also entered the house, and first changed into a set of ordinary clerk clothes, and then went to another room to have makeup done.

It was a young man who looked very inconspicuous. He nodded slightly at Gu Youyou, and then started to do it. He didn't say anything to Gu Youyou.

Gu Youyou said: "It doesn't look like yourself when you draw it, but don't draw it too ugly." The three of them drew too ugly.

The man said, "Don't worry, I won't paint you too ugly."

That voice turned out to be a woman's voice, or the soft girl's voice that was soft and pleasant. Gu Youyou was so shocked that she suddenly turned around and said, "Are you a woman?"

The soft girl said: "Yes, Miss Gu, can you tell that I am a woman?"

 For personal reasons, writing this book recently was the most difficult time. Fortunately, I have everyone’s support, thank you! !

(End of this chapter)

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