Chapter 713 Out of the City
Gu Youyou shook her head like a rattle, "I can't tell, it's amazing."

All four of them put on makeup, and when they walked out, they all looked completely changed.

Yue Rujing laughed and said: "Yi Yan's disguise technique is getting more and more perfect."

Yi Yan replied with a smile: "The son of the moon is too famous." Then he looked at Gu Youyou and Lin Qianqing and said, "Miss, if you feel uncomfortable with the makeup on your face for too long, just wash it off with clean water."

"Will it be uncomfortable?" Lin Qianqing asked, blinking her eyes.

Yi Yan said: "It's the first time for the two young ladies to use makeup materials, and they may feel uncomfortable after a long time. When the suburbs of Beijing are safe, it doesn't matter whether the makeup is left on or not."

That's right, as long as you're safe when you go out of the city, what if you get caught when you enter the city again?They're all back anyway.

It is not good to leave chemicals on your face for too long.

That girl's make-up isn't ugly, it's just that she is painted like a passer-by, the kind that won't be looked at even if she is thrown in the crowd.

To put it bluntly, it is to make the face look very unrecognizable.

Comparing the appearance of the four of them in an ordinary way is a world of difference. Among the four crooked melons, Gu Youyou is born upright.

The four of them walked out of the city in such a swaggering way, and when they arrived in the suburbs, someone brought them horses and a cart, which was the kind used by farmers to pull grain, and it was pulled by oxen.

Gu Youyou was sweating.

Yue Rujing said: "It's too strange for four big men to ride in a carriage. Either they ride a horse or they ride a cart."

Gu Youyou chose to ride a horse. If the guess is correct, this cart is used by them to pull medicinal materials, otherwise are they guys who go to the countryside to collect medicine?

She looked at Lin Qianqing and asked, "Can you ride a horse?"

They are from the north, Lin's mansion and Xie mansion raise a lot of horses, and many servants in the mansion can ride horses, but I don't know if the ladies can.

Disappointed, Lin Qianqing shook her head and said, "No, when I was young, I was at my grandfather's house, and my eldest cousin secretly took me for a ride."

"So you can sit?" Gu Youyou asked.

"Sit?" Lin Qianqing still didn't quite understand.

Gu Youyou smiled and said, "Come on, I'll take you."

So, Gu Youyou got on the horse first, and then pulled Lin Qianqing to sit on it. She sat behind Gu Youyou's horse, and the two rode on the same horse.

When she first got on the horse, the height was still a bit scary, Lin Qianqing hurriedly hugged Gu Youyou's waist.

Gu Youyou smiled and said, "Hurry up, I'm leaving!"

Jin Zijin and Yue Rujing each took a horse, and the cart was left unattended, and someone would send them to the countryside in a while.

On the road, the wind was very strong when the horse ran, and the hair was messed up.

Lin Qianqing was very excited and shouted: "Cousin, hurry up, I want to fly."

It's still flying.

Gu Youyou said angrily: "You have a firm grip, I'm afraid you will fall down."

Lin Qianqing immediately hugged Gu Youyou's waist and held it tightly.

Gu Youyou laughed, and took a whip to pat his ass.


Yue Rujing laughed as she looked at the people in front of her, and said, "I'm having fun now, I don't know how Mrs. Lin will deal with them when she finds out that they climbed over the wall and tricked her to come out to play."

Jin Zijin sighed: "There are gains and losses in doing anything, as long as they think it's a good deal."

"Brother, you are really..." Yue Rujing shook her head, "You are hopeless, why don't you listen to her. At this time, it is best for her to stay honestly at Lin's house. I heard that kid Jin Yi came here again recently. The capital is here, this time he didn't come for Mrs. Ru, guess what he came for?"

(End of this chapter)

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