It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 733 Someone Can't Hold It Anymore

Chapter 733 Someone Can't Hold It Anymore
Gu Youyou said seriously: "My words are sincere."

Lin Qianqing: "..." I can't play happily anymore.

Mrs. Lin prepared for Lin Qianqing the most beautiful clothes, the most exquisite jewelry, and a lot of broken silver for her to bring as rewards to servants.

Repeatedly told her to restrain her temper after entering the palace, to find the queen if she had something to do, and not to conflict with other families before the general election. It took nearly half an hour before she was allowed to get into the carriage and entered the palace with the nuns and eunuchs from the palace.

Standing behind Mrs. Lin, Gu Youyou saw her tears streaming down her face after watching the carriage drive out of sight.

Lin Qianqing is her only daughter, Mrs. Lin hopes that she can live a happy life according to her own wishes, but she can't control many things.

Gu Youyou knew that her aunt really loved Lin Qianqing, but because of her status, she couldn't give her too much.

Gu Youyou said in a low voice: "Cousin has always been smart, as long as she understands right and wrong, there will be no trouble. Auntie, don't worry."

Mrs. Lin wiped away her tears and said: "There are still ten days for them to learn etiquette in the palace. I'm afraid that during these ten days, she will be fooled by others. The big girl is smart, but it's useless. , if something happens during these ten days, she won't even have a chance to be selected."

Gu Youyou didn't think so, as long as the queen had the final say in the harem, nothing would happen to Lin Qianqing.

It's purely because Aunt Sinu is too worried.

It's just like this, if she enters the prince's mansion and has a bad life in the future, my aunt will have to bear it.

"Auntie, I'll go to the palace these few days and work harder, so don't worry about it."

"Ah, that's right!" Mrs. Lin suddenly realized, and said: "You can enter the palace at any time, but you have to be more diligent in entering the palace these few days. Every time the eldest girl enters the palace, she will be very disturbed. I used to be at ease in the queen's palace, but now I went to the Chuxiu Palace, and a large group of scheming girls stared at her, I was really worried."

Gu Youyou rolled her eyes, feeling that her aunt was about to suffer from paranoia.

There are so many girls entering the palace together, why are they all staring at your daughter?

Besides, Lin Qianqing also had a pungent Xie Qinyun beside her, so she couldn't suffer even thinking about it.

Thanks to their combination, they don't bully others.


It is said that Yue Rujing went to Xining, and without helpers, Jin Zijin has become more and more busy recently.

I am busy enough, but I have to wait for the secrets that are sometimes confused and sometimes sober.

When Gu Youyou heard about him, she hugged him distressedly, and said, "Why don't you just ignore the business of Jinxiu City, I'll find a chance to go out."

But Jin Zijin said: "The general election is about to begin, don't make any troubles. The business of your clothing store in Jinxiu City is nothing serious. There is a big shopkeeper doing it. If you want to manage it yourself, I will let her come to see you another day See you, and you will contact her directly in the future."

"So much the better!"

Since Gu Youyou is going to be a profitable business girl, she can't be afraid that her aunt will find out.

This kind of thing can't be hidden.

Jin Zijin looked at Gu Youyou with some concern, and said, "Recently, try to go out as little as possible, and when you go to the palace, you need someone to follow you."

Gu Youyou felt that something was wrong with his nervous appearance, and asked, "Did something happen?"

Jin Zijin said: "When my master came to Beijing, things about his muddleheaded mind leaked out. Some people may not be able to bear it anymore."

"This... why are you so careless?"

(End of this chapter)

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