It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 734 What kind of disease will Mrs. Lu get?

Chapter 734 What kind of disease will Mrs. Lu get?

Jin Zijin smiled wryly and said: "It's nothing, it's something you can't hide sooner or later. When he is confused, he doesn't listen to anyone, and it's not an option to come to the capital secretly like this all the time, so he didn't deliberately hide it this time. "

Gu Youyou: "..." Then she didn't know what to say.

"Well, I'll be careful."


Gu Youyou went to Beijing, but was robbed by a woman dressed as a maid on the way.

Thinking of Jin Zijin's warning last night, she didn't get out of the carriage, but opened the window of the carriage.

"Girl, what's the matter with you?"

The girl was probably tired from running and out of breath, and it took her a while to get her breath together.

"Doctor Gu, I knew you were on this road. The servant... finally let the servant catch up."

Gu Youyou: "..."

"Whose maid are you?"

"Oh, Doctor Gu, this servant is a maidservant of the Lu family. Today I have the courage to stop Doctor Gu's carriage. There is really nothing I can do." The little girl spoke in a hurry, as if thinking of something sad, she choked up tears again.

Gu Youyou comforted in a warm voice: "The Lu family you are talking about is General Lu's family?"

"Yes!" The servant girl nodded hurriedly.

Is it the General Lu who married a man-in-law?What did Mrs. Lu, a tomboy, ask her for?see a doctor?

Gu Youyou said: "Don't worry, speak slowly if you have something to say."

The servant girl bowed slightly, wiped away her tears before speaking slowly.

"My wife has gone to Jishengtang to look for Dr. Gu many times, but she has never seen you. Go to the Lin's house to deliver the post. Every time, Mrs. Lin finds a random servant to send the slaves away, and she doesn't let the slaves see her at all. Doctor Gu, there is really no other way, the servant only found out that Doctor Gu would go to the palace every few days, and then the servant came here to wait."

After talking for a long time without getting to the point, Gu Youyou was a little speechless.

"Then why are you waiting for me?"

The servant girl said: "Please see a doctor for my wife. My wife is waiting in Jisheng Hall right now. Doctor Gu, I heard that only you can cure that kind of disease. You must go..."

Gu Youyou was busy going to the palace, so she could have ignored this maid, or went to Jishengtang to see a doctor for Mrs. Lu after she came back.

But with a curious gossiping heart, she couldn't help but want to find out what happened to Mrs. Lu?
As soon as Mrs. Lu went out, her stunning image had the attribute of gossip. Gu Youyou didn't know until she arrived at Jishengtang that she came to Jishengtang to block the door for several days in a row. Many people came to see the excitement. The hall has attracted a lot of business.

It's like a living sign.

Everyone was discussing, Mrs. Lu is comparable to a man but also a man's bones, what disease is she suffering from?Do you still have to ask Dr. Gu?
But every time she walked into the wind, she didn't look like she was sick.

When Gu Youyou got off the carriage, everyone was very curious.

"Hey, Doctor Gu is here."

"Oh, Doctor Gu is finally here."

Gu Youyou: "..." She also wants to be a competent doctor, and she despises her behavior of only posting nets and not fishing.

"Doctor Gu, what's wrong with Mrs. Lu?"

Gu Youyou gave passers-by a white look, and said, "I haven't watched it yet, how do I know?"

Although Gu Youyou came here out of curiosity, she didn't like others making fun of her patients.

After entering Jishengtang, Gu Youyou said to shopkeeper Hu: "Let those who don't see a doctor go away, don't affect the patients."

Shopkeeper Hu hasn't seen Gu Youyou for many days, and when he saw her appear again, he was almost in tears.

(End of this chapter)

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