It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 735 She Was Killed When She Looked Like This

Chapter 735 She Was Killed When She Looked Like This

"Hey, Mrs. Lu is waiting in the No. [-] consultation room. Doctor Gu please hurry up."

Gu Youyou led Mrs. Lu's maid to push the door in, and immediately saw the tall and burly Mrs. Lu.To her surprise, there was not only Mrs. Lu in the consulting room, but also her son, Lu Tianning!

In my memory, Mr. Lu didn't treat him very much as a man and a woman. Now why... did you come to see a doctor with Mrs. Lu?
"Doctor Gu!" Mrs. Lu got up with Mr. Lu's support, and greeted politely.

Gu Youyou hurriedly returned the gift.

They are officials, she is a citizen.When people bow to themselves, that is respect.

She should return the gift, and it is also respectful.

"Madam Lu, please sit down!" Gu Youyou asked her to sit opposite the consultation table.

Looking at Mrs. Lu's appearance, for a woman, she is indeed a bit tall and thick.It's just that compared with the past, today's Mrs. Lu is a little more worried and less aggressive than a woman.

I don't know what disease she has that makes her look haggard.

"Madam Lu, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that she hesitated to speak, Gu Youyou had no choice but to ask.

Mrs. Lu wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, and lamented in a low voice: "I know that most outsiders look down on me when they look at me like this. They think I don't look like a woman, and are vulgar and ugly."

Gu Youyou said nothing.

This... What should she say?To be honest, hurting people's hearts is not what a doctor should do.Tell a lie... Facing Mrs. Lu's appearance, she really felt that the lie was more hurtful than the truth, it was too false.

After thinking about it, she still said some consoling words: "The beauty and ugliness of the appearance is only temporary, and the beauty and ugliness of the heart can last forever. It is parents who decide a person's appearance, and we cannot change it, but it is ourselves who decides the beauty of the heart. Madam Lu, you You don’t have to care about other people’s opinions.”

"No, it's not!" Mrs. Lu was extremely excited. If her son hadn't held her down, she would have stood up excitedly.

Gu Youyou never expected that her words of comfort would have such an effect.

It's like being on a drug.

"Mother, don't get excited, speak slowly if you have something to say." Mr. Lu comforted.

Turning around, he said to Gu Youyou again: "This incident has hurt my mother too much, Doctor Gu, don't worry."

Hmm, I don't care too much.

"What's the matter?"

This is the key.

Mrs. Lu was gradually appeased, and spoke slowly to her.

"Doctor Gu, this person's appearance could have been born by his parents, or he could have been murdered by others... If I look like this, I must have been murdered..."

Speaking of her body, Mrs. Lu could not stop crying.

It turned out that Mrs. Lu was not as bony as she is now when she was a child, and she was considered a normal child, but she grew up a little faster and taller than ordinary children of the same age.

According to such a look, she is a tall girl, she will definitely not look like a man, five big and three thick, and even has a beard, chest hair and leg hair, so she has to be cut frequently.

The reason is that Mrs. Lu has been engaged to General Lu since she was a child.According to the customs of rich families in ancient times, when a bride marries, she must be dowry. There is also a rule in this dowry that she must marry some good-looking maids. These good-looking maids are likely to be the bride's husband's little girl in the future. concubine.

This disgusting custom has ruined Madam Lu for the rest of her life.

Those maidservants who will be married together by Miss's side in the future have been cultivated since childhood and raised by Miss's side so that they can get along well in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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