It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 741 The Father and Son Meet

Chapter 741 The Father and Son Meet
He was always worried that something would happen to Gu Youyou, but he never thought that what he saw when he entered the Hall of Supreme Harmony was such a scene.

Gu Youyou was kneeling and sitting opposite the emperor, staring at a chessboard with a sad face, but her mind was not on that chessboard. When she heard the voice behind her, she immediately turned her head to look.

The moment she saw Jin Zijin, she was both surprised and delighted.

Surprised that he actually came?The good news is that he finally came to save himself.

She really didn't want to continue playing chess with his inexplicable father.

After Jin Zijin was surprised, he still saluted the emperor respectfully, but as the eldest brother of Tianzong, he didn't have to kneel down to him like others.

The emperor finally stood up from the chessboard and walked towards Jin Zijin.

"Excuse me, what is the real person coming here for?"

Jin Zijin glanced at Gu Youyou and said, "I'm here for my teacher."

"Your master Tianjizi Tianshi?" the emperor asked in surprise.

"Exactly, the teacher is now in the Three Cleansing View."

Gu Youyou watched the two people from the side.

From their expressions, she couldn't see the strangeness she expected.

He is a Taoist priest of Tianzong.

He is the supreme emperor of Zhuzhao Kingdom.

Their conversation is very ordinary, like two people who don't know each other.

The moment she saw Jin Zijin coming anxiously, Gu Youyou even guessed that the reason the strange emperor held her back to play chess was actually to attract Jin Zijin to come.

He may also know that the daughter he loves is not his own, but someone else is his own.

But seeing the way the emperor looked at Jin Zijin, just like what was shown on TV, the king looked awed and cautious when he met some swindler Taoist priests.

Maybe Gu Youyou thought too much.

The emperor had already ignored Gu Youyou, invited Jin Zijin to sit aside, and immediately ordered the maid to serve tea.

The expression of indifference on his face was long gone, but with uncontrollable surprise.

"The celestial master actually came to the Sanqing temple? Oh, I'm afraid the celestial master hasn't come to the Sanqing temple for more than ten years. Since the celestial master is here, I naturally want to go and see it in person. My lord, the celestial master recently How are you?"

Jin Zijin clasped his hands and said, "Zijin came here for my teacher's body! Master has been ill recently, and Junior Brother Yue is not in Beijing. Zijin knew that Dr. Gu's medical skills are good, so he hurried to Jishengtang to ask Gu The doctor treats the family teacher. I never thought that the treasurer of Jishengtang told that Doctor Gu is not in Jishengtang, but is in the palace at this time."

He looked at Gu Youyou, and said again: "Zijin had no choice but to come to see the emperor, but he didn't think it was a coincidence that Dr. Gu happened to be here with the emperor."

The emperor also looked at Gu Youyou following Jin Zijin's eyes.

Gu Youyou pursed her lips and smiled, with a bitter smile on her face.

The emperor smiled and said: "In this case, please ask the real person to take Dr. Gu to see the Tianshi as soon as possible. The Tianshi is old and cannot afford to delay."

"Then thank the emperor, Zijin will leave." Jin Zijin stood up and bowed solemnly to the emperor.

He glanced at Gu Youyou, then turned around and followed the eunuch out.

Gu Youyou hurriedly stood up, bowed back to the emperor, and quickly followed Jin Zijin.

The emperor stroked his beard and stared at the empty gate for a long time without saying a word.

The old eunuch who was close to him stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, seeing that Jin Zhenren's demeanor is better than Xuanzong's Huo Li, maybe the next national teacher..."

The emperor raised his hand to stop him from continuing, and said: "Taoism matters, don't talk nonsense."


(End of this chapter)

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