Chapter 742 Treat Tianjizi
Gu Youyou tremblingly followed Jin Zijin out of the palace, as soon as he left the palace, he stuffed her into the carriage, and immediately got in himself.

Gu Youyou was shocked, and said: "It's broad daylight, what are you doing? It would be bad if people saw it."

Jin Zijin yelled at the driver of the carriage with a cold face, "Go!"

The voice fell, and the carriage started to move with a sound of driving.

Gu Youyou was absent-minded all the way, only then did she realize that the carriage master that the Lin family provided for her had disappeared, and the maid waiting beside the carriage had disappeared, and the person sitting in the carriage driving the horse was someone she didn't know.

But this carriage still belongs to her, and my aunt doesn't know how to explain it.

"Are you just sending me back like this?" Gu Youyou raised her head and asked.

In Jin Zijin's deep eyes, there seemed to be a beam of flames floating, and he pressed down on her without saying a word, supported the back of her head, and kissed her deeply like biting.

Gu Youyou was stunned for a moment, this punishing kiss only made her feel uncomfortable.She pushed him, and found that the beeping voice resisted, but it didn't help.

It wasn't until he finished venting that he let go of her swollen lips, and before she could say anything, he hugged her tightly again.

Gu Youyou felt that he was a little excited today, and understood that he was worried.

He whispered: "The emperor didn't say anything to me, just... I wanted to go to Yanchi, and I brought some water back to study it, but he happened to catch him. He asked me and didn't say anything, so he asked me to play chess with him." .”

Jin Zijin said: "Don't mention him." He seemed more excited, "I don't want to hear about him right now."

"All right!"

Gu Youyou sighed, and gently sat in his arms.

"Where are we going now?"

"I don't want to go back to the Lin family for the time being. Naturally, I will take you to Sanqing Temple."

"Three Cleansing Temple?" Thinking of where the disgusting national teacher is also, Gu Youyou felt a little ignorant, "Can I not go?"

"If you don't go, wouldn't that be bullying?" Jin Zijin said.

That's right, he took her away from the palace for the reason of taking her to treat Tianjizi's illness, so he had to go to Sanqing Temple.

The carriage stopped when it was approaching Sanqingguan, Jin Zijin got out of the carriage and rode on the horse outside.

After arriving in Guanli, he got off the horse and invited Gu Youyou who was in the carriage to get off.

Gu Youyou carried her medicine box and followed behind Jin Zijin, and followed him into a room behind Qianyuan Hall.

A white-haired old man was sleeping peacefully on the bed. On the edge of the bed, sitting a young Taoist priest with red lips and white teeth, was fanning the old man on the bed with a fan.

Seeing Jin Zijin coming in, he hurriedly stood up and said, "Brother, master tossed about for a while, and just fell asleep."

Jin Zijin nodded and said, "Okay, you go down first."

Yixi put down the fan, glanced at Gu Youyou behind Jin Zijin in surprise, and thought: This senior brother ran out in a hurry, why did he bring a girl here?
Jin Zijin explained in a low voice, and said, "She is the well-known Dr. Gu in Jishengtang. I invite her to see a doctor for Master."

The girl is carrying a medicine box on her back, she really looks like a doctor.

But... "Is Master sick?" Yixi asked in surprise.

Jin Zijin pointed to his head and said, "Master is not sick, can he misidentify you and me?"

Yixi suddenly realized: "That's right, Master is sick, so you should take a good look at it. Today I have become Brother Yue, and my master dislikes me no matter what I do, and I have been scolded by him a lot." He saluted Gu Youyou again, Said: "Doctor Lao Gu is here."

(End of this chapter)

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