Chapter 767 The Ghost Doctor
Gu Youyou was afraid of being bitten by a snake in an accident during the poison collection process, so she prepared several methamphetamine serums.

The serum cannot be stored for a long time, so after a period of time, she will eliminate some and continue to do it.

This kind of thing is incomprehensible in Circe's eyes, and said: "If you keep making these things, keep throwing them away, and keep doing them, you will feel tired even if you are not tired."

Gu Youyou didn't bother to pay attention to her, and said, "Hurry up, show me what's in it."

This is a poison collected by Gu Youyou. It's not the kind of cold poison they usually use, but a different kind. It doesn't use the Nether Grass, but it has the same effect as the cold poison that uses the Nether Grass.

Circe took it over and looked at it, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, and asked, "Where did it come from?"

Gu Youyou narrowed her eyes, looked at her with her arms folded, and asked, "Seeing you look so excited, could this poison be related to your family?"

"That's right, it was made by our ghost doctor," she said.

Gu Youyou's heart skipped a beat, as soon as she saw the poison, she grabbed it.

"Hey, where on earth did you come from?" She is the only surviving descendant of the ghost doctor's family, and it is impossible to pass on such medicine again.

Gu Youyou's face was a little cold, and she looked at Circe with complicated eyes.

She had a bold guess, maybe the ghost doctor's master was wiped out not because of doing too many bad things, but...

Gu Youyou thought for a moment, she held the medicine bag, and said in a calm voice: "I don't know, I have to ask the person who brought the medicine."

Circe's face was rarely moved, he stared at the medicine in Gu Youyou's hand and wanted to come over, after thinking about it, he still couldn't speak.


Gu Youyou is in Qishan, but her eyes and ears are not blocked.

The account books of Jishengtang branches all over the country were sent to her one after another at the end of the year, as well as news about Lin Qianqing.

There was not much news transferred, only that she was attacked on the day of her marriage, and Jin Xiaoran believed that it was the second prince Jin Tingyu who did it. For this reason, he also had someone blackmail him on the day of the second prince Jin Tingyu's marriage.

He was not as capable as others, he made trouble, but he was caught alive, and he couldn't bear the severe punishment, so he was forced out of the prison of the Ministry of Punishment.

The emperor was furious, beat him up, and ordered everyone in the eldest prince's mansion to surround him, so that he would not be released years ago.

That's why Lin Qianqing was implicated by Jin Xiaoran, and she didn't even think about going back to her natal family this year.

Gu Youyou looked at the letter in his hand, and asked Xiang Toon beside him: "Is there any letter from the Lin family?"

Xiang Toon said: "There is no letter, but the old lady sent someone a message, saying that if Miss Biao has a chance to go back during the Chinese New Year, she will try to go back. She hasn't celebrated the New Year with Miss Biao yet! "

Gu Youyou paused, put away the letter after a while, sighed, and said: "I don't go back now, I have my own reasons for not going back. Tell Qingyang later, I want to borrow their kitchen to cook some snacks."

Xiang Toon's eyes lit up, and said: "Miss Biao wants to make some snacks for the old lady to send back?"

"Yes, you are here to help."

Xiang Toon laughed, thinking of Miss Biao's dessert, she couldn't help swallowing, and said excitedly, "Okay, I'll prepare it now."

After Xiang Toon went out, Gu Youyou picked up another ledger, with a letter inside.

It was sent by Jishengtang in Qingshui Town, because the place is small and the income is the least.However, this Jishengtang has a different meaning to Gu Youyou. It is the headquarters of the Jishengtang chain. The legend of Jishengtang started from it, and no one dares to underestimate it.

(End of this chapter)

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