It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 768: Jin Zijin and Zhang Qishan

Chapter 768 Jin Zijin Returns to Qishan for the New Year
Gu Youyou took a deep breath and opened the letter.

Second uncle Gu Wen was imprisoned for a year and has been released.He made a fuss about Gu Youyou's actions for a while, thinking that Erya and Sanbao had divided up so much money and land, he would naturally not be reconciled.

However, after Gu Youyou broke up, all the relevant procedures were done in front of Lizheng, and what should be done had already been done, and he couldn't help but make trouble if he wanted to.

With so many fields, although the life of the two of them is not considered rich and powerful, they are considered pretty good in terms of the village.

Dabao never remarried, and he was always afraid of Huang Xiangwen's intention to marry him another daughter-in-law.

Perhaps the matter of Lu Qianqian has not been erased from his heart, and he needs more time to accept it.

Erya and Shunzi gave birth to a son in their first child, and now they are pregnant with their second child. The letter also wrote that they asked Gu Youyou to choose a name for the child.

Gu Youyou looked at the letter and laughed, thinking about a bunch of names in her heart, but when she picked up the pen, she didn't write down a single word.

With a sigh, she lit the five-page long letter on the lamp and burned it to ashes.

It wasn't that she was unwilling to inquire about them this year, nor that she was cold-blooded and ruthless and refused to reply to their letters, but to protect them.

Some people in the village said that Gu Youyou went to her ancestral home in the capital to live a good life, and would not pay any attention to the poor relatives of Gu's family in Lianhua Village, so it was good.

She is afraid that what she cares about will become a handle in the hands of others.

As the New Year approached, Jin Zijin came to Qishan to celebrate the New Year.

I haven't seen him for several months, Gu Youyou looked at him from a distance, and felt that he was much thinner.

Surrounded by his seniors, he took a long look at Gu Youyou from a distance, and then followed them to meet Tianjizi.

Yue Rujing didn't come. I heard that Yue Rujing went to Xining to do an important errand. After the job was completed, he didn't return to the capital, but quickly transferred to Lingnan. Seeing that the Chinese New Year was coming, he must have Will be back after a year.

There are not many people who can be trusted by Jin Zijin, and there are many affairs in the court without Yue Rujing's aboveboard participation. It would be more difficult for him to do it alone, so he lost weight.

Xiang Toon asked Gu Youyou in a low voice: "This is the return of their elder brother, right? We live in his yard. Now that he is back, will he be angry and drive us out?"

Gu Youyou gave her a white look, and said: "You think too much, you don't have any bearing at all, what kind of big brother is he? Besides, he arranged for us to live in this courtyard."

"Ah...? Then... then where does he live now that he's back?"

Gu Youyou patted the toon on the head lightly, and said: "You are a little girl, just do your essential work well, why are there so many problems? There are so many houses in Qishan, are you still worried that he has no place to live? "

Gu Youyou led Xiang Toon back to the house, but suddenly a big dog jumped out of the courtyard and rushed towards Gu Youyou.

Xiang Toon screamed in fright and dropped the basket in her hand.

Gu Youyou giggled, hugged the huge dog's head and said, "You came too? Come, let me see if I have gained weight recently!"

Po can't wag his tail like a normal dog, he can only stretch his tongue and kick his hind legs to show how happy he is at the moment.

Xiang Toon patted his heart in shock and said, "Miss Biao, why did you find your dog?"

Gu Youyou said happily: "It has to celebrate the New Year with me, Xiang Toon, go and ask if there is any meat in the kitchen."

Xiang Toon knew that Gu Youyou was asking for meat to feed the dog, so she swallowed dryly, and then carefully spared A Bao and left the yard.


(End of this chapter)

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