Chapter 769 Stubborn Taoist

Knowing that Jin Zijin would come at night, Gu Youyou put some medicine in the water for Xiang Chun in advance.

It's really embarrassing for this girl, but there is no way, it's better that she doesn't know than she knows.This kind of thing can't be explained!
The night in Qishan was exceptionally quiet, and when he came, the light of the new moon had already covered the window sill.

Gu Youyou stuffed himself into the quilt and pretended to be asleep. The footsteps of the person coming were very light, but he knew that she heard it, and she had hearing that was different from ordinary people.

"Want to pretend?" Gently lifted a corner of the quilt, a strong smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

His face was a little flushed from being too excited.

"Hmm!" The person under the quilt suppressed a hum, his body trembling with a suppressed smile, but he couldn't restrain himself from wanting to jump up and hook him into the quilt.

"Okay, I'll come back later." He probably knew that she was already suffering from pain, so he pretended to leave.

Now Gu Youyou couldn't hold back anymore, she threw off the quilt, hooked him around his neck with this strength, and brought him to the bed.

Countless incomprehensible lovesickness melted into the veil of spring, but something was always missing, and there was no breakthrough for that spring.

Panting heavily, Gu Youyou pushed Jin Zijin away, and said in a complaining tone: "When will you marry me in a fair and honest manner? I can't stand it, okay? We're not saints, so what? Is it a normal physiological reaction, do you understand? Oh, you Taoist priest must not understand."

Jin Zijin hugged her tightly, slowly calmed his beating heart, and said, "Why do I think Taoism is a word you despise in your mouth?"

Gu Youyou said: "Yes, where we are, Taoist priests are despised by others."

"Why?" Jin Zijin's expression changed. He had been with her for so long, and he really didn't know what kind of existence a Taoist priest was in her mind.

Gu Youyou laughed, and said, "For example... a cow-nosed old man. The temper of a cow is more stubborn, and people use it to describe the stubborn temper of a Taoist priest, just like you."

(This is just a joke, you can't really believe it. The Taoist is called Niubi, which has a deep meaning, and it's not a joke.)
"You guys don't respect Taoist priests so much?" Jin Zijin frowned.

Gu Youyou said: "Those who believe are naturally respected, and those who don't believe in Taoism culture as a joke. After all, each family has its own strengths, and there are still many people who believe in Buddhism. To be honest, in our place, many Taoist priests are all fake Taoist priests who are deceived and deceived, and real Taoist priests are still respected. Don't worry too much, Taoist priests of your status must be respected by us."

Jin Zijin turned Gu Youyou's face away, and said to her seriously: "It's okay for others to make fun of you, you can't make fun of me."

"That depends on whether you have cheated on me." Gu Youyou said with a playful smile.

"When did I lie to you?"

"Yes, when you were in Lianhua Village, you gave me a sachet, but you used that sachet to ask me to help you find Jin Ziyuan and his son. Are you lying to me?"

Jin Zijin blinked his eyes in embarrassment, and said embarrassingly: "You still remember what happened so long ago, you really hold grudges, be careful."

Facing his face, Gu Youyou also said seriously: "At that time we didn't trust each other, and I didn't have any good intentions when you used me, so it doesn't count. But from now on, you can't deceive me, especially if I'm not by your side time, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?"

Gu Youyou chuckled and said: "I recently recruited a poison expert to join the group, and I will poison you to death if I get in a hurry."

(End of this chapter)

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