Chapter 802
The girl Huaichun's appearance hung on Lin Qianqing's face, and Gu Youyou suddenly felt that her head was very big.

The one who is said to be pure and captivating is probably Jin Ziyuan.

It wasn't the people he organized to make trouble that day, so Lin Qianqing saw it.

Gu Youyou sighed: "Those robbers are all desperadoes, so don't let your imagination run wild. People like them have no future."

Lin Qianqing wondered, "They're just here to make trouble, and they don't dare to do anything to me. Cousin has already guessed who those people are."

Hey, girl, how stupid is your cousin, how can you believe it?

However, Gu Youyou couldn't tell her about this, and said: "Anyway, you are right, if you are really attracted to someone, even if it's not your cousin, it can't be those robbers."

Gu Youyou felt that she had missed the show by going to Qishan, but she didn't know that this little girl was depressed not because she was trapped in the palace, but because she was suffering from lovesickness.

Speaking of which, Lin Qianqing is only fifteen or sixteen years old. A girl of this age should be put in the modern age and has just entered high school. This kind of young girl who is just beginning to love is the easiest to be tempted, and for Lin Qianqing who is somewhat rebellious, it is a bit bad Be a bit more mysterious, like Jin Ziyuan, a man with good looks, has a fatal temptation for her.

Gu Youyou didn't know if this beating would be of any use. In her opinion, Lin Qianqing could make trouble no matter what. If she made a decision, she would help her, except for Jin Ziyuan.

That guy is a person with no future, even more tragic than himself, if they fail, maybe they will really be changed by that old pervert Yu Jizi, oh my god, I can't even imagine that scene.


It's been a long time since I went to the palace. Gu Youyou returned to the Lin Mansion to rest for a few days. After making all the medicines, she packed up the simple lessons for the children and went to the palace.

The line of the palace cannot be broken for the time being.

Having not seen Gu Youyou for a long time, the two children were very happy.

They are still young, especially Cui Yingying. Her family is teaching her ancestral medical skills. At her age, it is enough to learn basic concepts and simple medical principles.

As for the Ninth Princess Jin Liuying, she looks very cowardly in front of the ladies in the palace. She always likes to draw some mountains and rivers behind her back, but she has never really seen the mountains and rivers. She can only look at the paintings on the walls. I imagined those paintings I wrote.

Gu Youyou's entry into the palace this time brought her a lot of picture scrolls about rivers, seas, rivers and mountains, all kinds of scenery are included in it, a thick booklet, enough for her to enjoy for a long time.

"Master, this snow mountain is much more beautiful than the snow in the palace."

Gu Youyou stroked her hair, and said: "The princess is still young, when she grows up in the future, she can go and see for herself."

Jin Liuying lowered her eyes, and asked in surprise after a moment: "Is it more beautiful than this painting?"

Gu Youyou said: "Of course, the rivers and mountains in Zhuzhao Country are beautiful."

"Has the master seen it?"

Gu Youyou shook her head, and said: "The Zhuzhao Kingdom is so big, how could I have seen it all? I have only seen some. But there are rumors outside! The grasslands in the north, the gorgeous mountains and rivers in the south, the desert in the west, and the east. The sea. It is a beautiful scenery that the neighboring countries have never had!"

Cui Yingying, who was seriously reading the medical books at the side, turned her head and said to Gu Youyou: "Master, my aunt said that I can go outside to practice at the age of 15 before I return to the palace to work. I have three years to see all the rivers and mountains in the Zhuzhao Kingdom. "

(End of this chapter)

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