Chapter 803 Huo Li came to find
Gu Youyou was slightly surprised, and said, "Really? How can Yingying go?"

Cui Yingying laughed, with a pair of cute dimples on her face, and said: "I can learn to ride a horse next year, and I will go. It would be great if the master and the princess could experience it with Yingying!"

Jin Liuying showed a look of excitement, and looked at Gu Youyou expectantly.

Gu Youyou is helpless, she still has no control over the princess's itinerary, but there are still several years to go, and by then... not necessarily.

She smiled at them, "If Master happens to be free when you are 15 years old, I will promise you."

Gu Youyou chatted happily with the two little girls, but a familiar eunuch came.

The eunuch next to the emperor, Gu Youyou was arrested and taken to the Palace of Preservation by this old eunuch.

"This old slave has seen Princess Nine!" The old eunuch first saluted Jin Liuying respectfully.

He is a person close to the emperor, and he has always been in the Three Treasures Hall for nothing.

Princess Jiu looked at him in surprise, and asked, "Eunuch Wan, did Emperor Father summon you?"

Wan Gong said: "The emperor asked the old slave to invite Doctor Gu, and also asked the ninth princess to make it easier."

The three of them were inexplicably surprised. Although they didn't know what was going on with the emperor, Gu Youyou had no choice but to go.

Along the way, Gu Youyou was thinking about what the emperor wanted her for again?Could it be that the last time was not over yet, and he was looking for her to play chess again?
Then it's better to beat her up. She really knew she was wrong about stealing the water from Yanchi.

She shouldn't have done it by herself at all, it would be nice to let Yue Rujing do it.

It was only when she arrived at the Palace of Preserving Harmony that she realized the importance of the matter.

Being beaten with a board is a trivial matter, and playing chess with an inexplicable emperor is also a trivial matter. The key point is that there is a person standing beside the emperor, Huo Li.

Can anything good happen if you meet Huo Li?Obviously not, and most likely something big will happen.

Gu Youyou kowtowed tremblingly, not daring to raise her eyes.

But in my heart, I scolded this heartless man and perverted man all over.

She didn't read the almanac when she went out today, bad luck!

The scumbag emperor looked at Gu Youyou and said with a smile: "Doctor Gu, I heard that you have excellent medical skills. You can cure epidemic diseases, cut off fingers, and even cure the stupid problems of celestial masters?"

Gu Youyou replied in a low voice: "Minnv's talent is unlearned, and the emperor praises it. The epidemic disease can be cured, and the severed finger is also lucky, but the illness of the celestial master has not been cured. The minnv has always been ashamed! "

"Oh...? Heavenly Master's illness is not cured?"

Both the emperor and Huo Li were incomparably surprised, Huo Li was naturally happy, it would be nice if the secrets of the sky were completely abolished, he was a lot of age, it should have been like this long ago.

The emperor's expression was solemn, he thought that Gu Youyou's return meant that Tianjizi's illness had been cured.

Huo Li said: "No matter how skilled a doctor is, there are still diseases that cannot be cured. Doctor Gu must not underestimate himself. I am here today to ask Doctor Gu to show his favor and come with me to see the illness of the national teacher."

Gu Youyou froze on the spot, her head froze for a moment.

Huo Li looked at Gu Youyou with a half-smile, but the sly look on his face made his face look extremely ferocious.

Gu Youyou is not a fool, if Yu Jizi really needs her to see a doctor, can Huo Li still be so calm?

This must be one of his excuses.

It's a good way to treat another person in the same way. Last time Jin Zijin used this method to let her hide in Qishan, he and Yue Rujing let go of their hands and feet, and tidied up Huo Li submissively. He had only been back for a few days, and he used the same method to retaliate against them.

(End of this chapter)

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