It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 804 Going to the National Teacher

Chapter 804 Going to the National Teacher
If Gu Youyou went with him on this trip, wouldn't it mean that a sheep has entered a tiger's mouth?But does she have the right to say no?
Gu Youyou's face turned pale, and she cast her only hope on the scumbag emperor. As long as he doesn't nod, there may be room for maneuver.

At least let her have time to report a letter to Jin Zijin.

It's a pity that Emperor Jin Mo Ning let her down, he didn't seem to see the resistance in Gu Youyou's eyes, he smiled and said to her: "In that case, Doctor Gu should go and have a look. The lifeblood of the country cannot be lost.”

Fuck you, you can't afford to make mistakes!

The emperor's words are the imperial decree, he put the words here in front of the two parties, Gu Youyou can only accept it.

Huo Li smiled triumphantly, and said, "Doctor Gu, I have to work, please!"

"I didn't bring the medicine box, can you allow me to go back to the Lin Mansion to get the medicine box?"

Huo Li shook his head and said with a smile: "The prescriptions of the National Teacher's Mansion are comparable to the Grand Hospital of the Imperial Palace. They have everything, so you don't need to bother!"

Obviously, people won't give her any chance, and she can't find an excuse to stay or spread the news.

Gu Youyou was full of despair, but had no choice but to follow Huo Li into the carriage.

On the carriage, Huo Li opposite was staring at her with a gloomy face like a prisoner, almost driving her crazy.

"Your appearance makes it impossible for me to cure your master's illness." Gu Youyou said lightly.

"Heh..." When she came out, there was no need to pretend anymore, Huo Li looked at her mockingly, gritted his teeth coldly and said, "If you can't cure the national teacher, you will die."

Gu Youyou moved back, smiled dryly, lifted the window curtain on the carriage to look outside.

She found that this was not the way to go to Sanqing Temple, and the Guoshi Mansion was also in the Sanqing Temple. Didn't he say to go to the Guoshi Mansion to see Yujizi?
Gu Youyou was shocked, and asked: "This is not the way to the National Teacher's Mansion, where are you taking me?"

Huo Li sneered: "Who told you that I will take you to the National Teacher's Mansion?"

"You lied to the emperor, that's deceiving the emperor!" Gu Youyou gritted her teeth, but there was nothing she could do.

Huo Li laughed and said, "My master went to a deserted place with beautiful mountains and clear waters to recuperate. Since you are going to treat his illness, of course you have to go too. How can I deceive you?"

Your uncle's!

Gu Youyou grinds the back teeth.

The carriage is very luxurious, with all the utensils inside, and it is pulled by four horses.Although walking very fast, people sitting in the car did not feel too much bumps.

Gu Youyou reckoned that she had been out of the city for more than an hour, and she sat obediently in the carriage, which made Huo Li gradually relax her vigilance.

After more than an hour like this, when they arrived at the post station for the midfield supply, Huo Li asked people to stop the carriage far in front of the post station and ordered them to go down and prepare something.

After a while some food was brought up, and a pot of tea was warmed on an exquisite stove.

He would enjoy it.

It was already evening, and the carriage started running again. Huo Li sat in the carriage and had a sumptuous dinner, and began to drink tea leisurely.

It's a pity that Gu Youyou could only watch those meals and swallow her saliva, and in the end she only got a white flour steamed bun.

This thing is not a thing, abuse captives.

Gu Youyou planned to fight for his strength with this meal, and smashed the white flour steamed bun on Huo Li's forehead without hesitation.

Of course, with his skill, Gu Youyou couldn't hit him on the head, and he dodged it, and the white-faced steamed bun flew over his head and flew out of the window.

Huo Li didn't say anything, but the smile on his face was more ironic.

 Now I feel that the supporting roles are not as stupid as you think. The setting of this article, the protagonist is not cheating, and will not keep playing against various supporting roles.Of course, if we lose a move now, we will win it back soon, and we are not writing abusive articles.

(End of this chapter)

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