It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 809 Going to the East China Sea

Chapter 809 Going to the East China Sea

"You and Ms. Gu don't take a carriage or ride a horse, and walk east. Be careful along the way, don't leave any traces, Jin Zijin will soon find out that he has been cheated, but he can't be found so quickly."


The wheels of the wheel hit the stone and bumped violently, which woke Gu Youyou up.

She yawned and opened the curtain of the carriage and asked Jin Ziyuan outside: "What time is it?"

Jin Ziyuan turned his head and said, "It's almost dawn."

It's almost dawn?Is that coming soon?
Gu Youyou hurriedly arranged some messy clothes, and said: "You don't need to go to the city, you can put me down when you go to the suburbs, thank you Jin Ziyuan, I don't have anything to thank you for, I will make more pills for you another day. "

Jin Ziyuan, who was driving the carriage, remained silent and didn't reply, Gu Youyou pouted embarrassingly, put down the curtain and went back into the carriage.

After a long time, Jin Ziyuan's voice came: "This is not the way back to the capital."

Gu Youyou stood up suddenly, and pulled open the curtain.

"Isn't it the way back to the capital?"

Looking at the bright sky, Gu Youyou found that he had reached a hilly area, and the capital city belongs to the plain of Beiping, so there is no such terrain.

Her complexion sank, and she asked coldly, "Where are you taking me?"

Such a good Jin Ziyuan, can he avenge his kindness and revenge?
She didn't return all night, and the Lin family was fine. The emperor sent a eunuch to pass on a message, saying that it was enough for her to go to the doctor.But can Jin Zijin believe it?He's fucking insane.

"I want to go back to the capital!" she said.

Jin Ziyuan said: "The way back to the capital was full of Huo Li's people, now going back is throwing yourself into a trap."

"But..." She was about to say that Jin Zijin must be looking for her, but was interrupted by Jin Ziyuan.

"Don't count on Jin Zijin. If he has time to save you, you won't be taken out of the city by Huo Li. Go hide with me in the East China Sea for a while, and wait for him to solve Huo Li's troubles." , I will come to you."

Gu Youyou was startled, and didn't speak any more.

She didn't believe that Jin Zijin would have anything more important than her own safety, mainly because Jin Ziyuan said that she was going to the East China Sea, which was exactly where she planned to go.

Those two meteorites came from the East China Sea, so maybe something can be found in the East China Sea.

Furthermore, if Jin Zijin was really in trouble somewhere, he would be able to deal with Huo Li at ease without her as a hindrance.

"Well, I'll write him a letter, and you can find a way to bring it to him, so that he won't worry about it."

Jin Ziyuan tilted his head, and said in a flat voice: "There is no need to write a letter, I will ask someone to bring a sentence."

Gu Youyou pursed her lips and said nothing, turned around and got into the carriage.

In this way, the carriage moved forward for a while, and then stopped slowly.

Jin Ziyuan brought a thin boy of fifteen or sixteen years old to Gu Youyou, and said, "That man Huo Li is not easy to lie to, you should change clothes with him."

Gu Youyou looked at the thin boy and nodded slightly.

Since you choose to let Jin Ziyuan come to rescue, then trust him.

Changing clothes was just changing the outermost smock, and soon Gu Youyou changed and got off the carriage.

She changed into men's clothes and changed her hairstyle.In addition, her walking posture is not like the small steps of the delicate ladies. If this face is not too delicate, it can almost be faked.

Jin Ziyuan also changed his clothes, very plain clothes, he was slightly taken aback when he saw Gu Youyou's makeup.

He said: "It's wrong that you have to walk, maybe walk?"

(End of this chapter)

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