Chapter 810
In recent years, Gu Youyou's body has been no different from that of ordinary people, so naturally there is no problem.

She said, "Let's go, I can go if you can."

The two simply packed their luggage and started heading east.

The world without pollution is clear, Jin Ziyuan walked very fast, Gu Youyou had a little difficulty following.

She who had not sweated until dawn turned out to be profusely sweating.

Seeing this scene, Jin Ziyuan had no choice but to slow down and wait for her.

"Let's go a little further, and after passing the Zhuangzi in front, we'll be at the market, where we can buy horses."

Gu Youyou wiped off her sweat and nodded slightly.

The only reason is that this body is still not as strong as her own, but it is still much better than ordinary little girls. Walking so fast, it has been walking for almost two hours, and ordinary people will be very tired.

Gu Youyou gritted her teeth and followed Jin Ziyuan with her baggage.

After walking for a while, Jin Ziyuan stopped again, looked at the narrowed field ridge in front of him, and said, "You take a rest here first, and wait for me."

Gu Youyou sat down on the stone by the road, drank some water, and ate a few mouthfuls of steamed buns.

Yesterday, I was suffocated in front of Huo Li and didn't eat anything, so I'm already very hungry now.

Looking up, I saw Gu Youyou chopped off a thick branch from a big tree beside the road, and then made the branch into a cane.

In May, it is still a little cold in the north, but the further east you go, the warmer the weather becomes.

On the road in the country, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. From a distance, many villagers are busy.

This made Gu Youyou think of Lianhua Village.

That year, she also stood on a high hillside, overlooking the villagers working in Lianhua Village.

Grandpa Gu was still alive at that time, and he was driving cattle in the field.

Jin Ziyuan took the finished cane over, handed it to Gu Youyou, and said, "Take this and go, saving effort."

Seeing that Gu Youyou was looking at the busy villagers, he pursed his lips and said, "I also take you on the country road for safety, but the country road is not as easy as the official road."

Gu Youyou cracked a smile at the corner of her mouth and said, "Thank you very much, I understand."


After Huo Li went back, he didn't care who would be disturbed by this incident, so he immediately gathered a large number of Xuanzong disciples and chased after them.

At the same time, he asked someone to tell the emperor the news, saying that Dr. Gu was hijacked by bandits on the road.

Bandits so bold?The emperor, Jin Moning, was very shocked, and immediately sent Xiao Jinyan into the palace, asking him to bring his troops to assist Huo Li in rescuing Dr. Gu.

At the same time, the Lin family also exploded.

Mrs. Lin took Lin Xingyi's hand and asked tremblingly: "Didn't you just say it yesterday, who did she give it to? The national teacher went to treat the illness, why was it taken away by the bandits?"

Lin Xingyi comforted his old lady and said: "Mother, don't worry, the emperor has sent General Xiao to lead people to rescue him, and Xuanzong Huo Li is also doing his best to rescue him, everything will be fine."

Mrs. Lin turned around in a hurry, and said loudly: "It's okay, she was kidnapped by bandits, who are those bandits? This young woman spent the night in the hands of bandits, everything is over, and her innocence is at stake. I can’t get married even if I get married.” She stared at Lin Xingyi and said, “I said earlier that my daughter’s family should not show their faces, open a medical clinic or a clothing store. It's going to happen."

Lin Xingyi's expression changed, and he said angrily: "What do you know about women's views? If she didn't open a medical center in the capital, no one would know that she knows how to do medicine? Don't forget, her reputation has already started in Lingnan. She is Go directly to the emperor to ask for someone, the emperor cannot refuse Taoism, and as subjects, we can only listen to the emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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