Chapter 811 Chase

This doesn't make sense, and Mrs. Lin complained about the fact that he stopped her from talking to Gu Youyou back then.

"I said earlier that it would be better to marry her earlier, but you didn't listen. If she had married earlier, these things would not have happened."

Lin Xingyi said impatiently: "When something goes wrong, you know to blame this one and that one? Why didn't you talk about the fact that you brought her into the palace? If she hadn't entered the palace, these things wouldn't have happened."

"You..." Mrs. Lin was dumbfounded by what he said.

"Then what should we do now? Even if the person is rescued, it will be ruined. How can this woman live without innocence?"

Lin Xingyi got a little angry, and snorted coldly: "What are you talking about, Yoyo doesn't know what's going on right now, you're just guessing here. Let me tell you, you don't need to worry about Yoyo's marriage, just worry about yourself! "

Mrs. Lin was so excited that she almost fainted when she heard what they were arguing about, but it was the big maid beside her who quickly supported her.

"Old lady, don't be in a hurry, just sit down for a while."

Feeling dizzy, they remembered that the old lady was still listening.

Only then did the quarrel stop, and we went to see the old lady together.

Lin Xingyi gave Mrs. Lin a hard look, and pushed her away intentionally.

Madam Lin gritted her teeth and stood behind him, wanting to say something, but seeing that the old lady was really angry, she swallowed back what she was about to say.

"Mother, don't worry, nothing will happen, many people have gone out to look for it, so don't be in a hurry to make a fuss."

Mrs. Lin said with tears in her eyes: "Oh, can I not be in a hurry, this child has suffered since he was a child, and he thought that when he arrived in the capital, he would be able to live a good life if he personally guarded him, so if he thinks that today is not this thing, tomorrow is that The matter has never stopped, her life is really miserable..."

Xiang Toon knew about this, and quickly went to the backyard to tell Circe about it.

At that time, Circe was feeding the mice, and Xiang Toon saw it and said anxiously, "Oh, do you still have time to feed the mice? Something happened to Miss Cousin, and your good days are coming to an end."

Circe paused for a moment, and turned his head.

"What happened to her? What happened?"

"Miss Biao was captured by bandits, and now the whole family is going crazy, and you are the only one in the mood to feed the mice."

Circe was startled suddenly, and threw the bowl containing the food in her hand to the ground, grabbing Xiang Toon's shoulder and anxiously said, "When did it happen?"

"Just last night!" Circe's cold look was quite frightening, Xiang Toon was startled.

"Last night, didn't you say that she was out of the doctor yesterday?"

Xiang Toon kept shaking her head, and said timidly, "I...don't know!"


The two groups of people chased them out, and Huo Li, just as Yu Jiang expected, quickly found the traces left by his carriage.Not only that, he also discovered the clues that Yu Jiang deliberately left behind, allowing him to guess their identities.

He coldly said to his subordinates: "He went to Xining? Huh, that's right. Except for Xining, who would dare to protect him."

They chased to Xining.

Behind them are the people led by Xiao Jinyan, and Jin Zijin.

After some investigation, Jin Zijin was thoughtful.

Xiao Jinyan smiled and said: "Huo Li was fooled, she must not have been taken to Xining." He pointed to the road to the south and said: "There are two horses walking in this direction, look at the horseshoe marks One of them should be relatively light, probably Dr. Gu. The other one..." He laughed terribly, and said, "I don't know if my cousin can guess who it is that can make Dr. Gu willingly follow him. Where is he leaving?"

(End of this chapter)

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