It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 812 I Want To Be A Good Person

Chapter 812 I Want To Be A Good Person
Jin Zijin's face was very ugly, he gave Xiao Jinyan a hard look, and chased after Lingnan.

Xiao Jinyan returned to the crowd and said loudly, "Check out the bandits nearby carefully, and if you find out, report them immediately."

The bandits nearby are probably going to be unlucky.

After finishing speaking, Xiao Jinyan hurriedly chased after Jin Zijin on horseback.

At the corner gate of the Lin Mansion, a girl in men's attire walked out cautiously with a backpack on her back.

After leaving the city, she inquired about what happened yesterday at the inn outside the city.

Putting a string of copper coins in front of the teahouse clerk, he said in a low voice: "Little brother, do you know about the bandit incident yesterday? They captured Dr. Gu's bandit in Jishengtang."

The tea shed boy took the copper coins with joy on his face, and said: "I know, this matter has caused a lot of trouble, and the emperor has issued an order to suppress the bandits."

"Oh, then do you know where the robber is?"

"I don't know about that." The little brother in the tea shed shook his head and said, "I heard that it's probably near Rucheng, and there are more than one bandits nearby. I'm afraid the government will have to investigate the specific dens for a while."

Circe didn't ask much, paid the tea money, took the package and went to the rental car shed opposite, intending to rent a carriage.

"Master, I will rent a carriage."

A young man hurriedly greeted him when he saw the business coming.

"Okay, little boy, where are you going?"

"Go to Rucheng!"

"Ah...? Rucheng?" The young man shook his head like a rattle, and said, "Bandits are raging near Rucheng. If you don't go, you should ask another wise man."

Circe took a look, the inn was only this big, besides this private one, there was also a government one next to it.

As a commoner, it is not easy to rent from the government.

She turned around to look at the young man who ignored her, but lowered his head to clean the carriage, shook his head and sighed, and said, "I want to be a good person, but you just don't give me a chance. If I give you a toast, I have to drink it as a fine." .”

Her bad tone immediately aroused the young man's dissatisfaction.

"Let me tell you, my son, whether you do business or not is up to you, I just don't want to accept your business, what's the matter with you..."

Circe flicked his fingers, and just as the young man opened his mouth, something the size of a grain of rice flew into the young man's mouth, and he swallowed it before he had time to react.

"You... what did you eat for me?" The young man's face changed drastically, he pinched his neck with one hand, and reached into his mouth with the other hand.

"Hey! Don't move." With a non-smiling smile, Susipi raised a hand to block the young man, and said in a low voice, "Look at my left arm."

The young man hurriedly rolled up his left sleeve, but was surprised to find that there was a finger-thick black stripe on his arm, like an ugly centipede crawling on it.

He was so frightened that his face lightened, and he said in surprise: "You... What did you eat for me? You dare to poison people in broad daylight, aren't you afraid of being caught in prison?"

Circe sighed faintly and said, "I'm afraid, that's why I rented a car for you in a nice voice before poisoning it. You didn't rent it to me yourself, and I was forced to give you the drug."

The young man has tens of thousands of heads in his heart #土马在进迷.

Is this still forced?I've never seen such an unreasonable person.

Looking at him like this, he said it as if he was being bullied, how aggrieved?

But the one who was poisoned was himself.

"What do you want?" The young man was afraid of him, and his face drooped.

Circe got into the carriage, sat down in a comfortable position, and said, "Drive me to Rucheng."

 I guaranteed eight chapters a day for the whole month of March, and I did it.

  In April, due to the need to save manuscripts, there will be six chapters and eight chapters alternately.

  After the explosive update, ten chapters will be restored every day, but everyone should support it a lot, support the genuine version, and vote for it.

  Thank you! !
(End of this chapter)

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