Chapter 825 Seasickness

There is an incense table on the seashore, on which are various sacrifices and incense candles. According to the local customs, if the boat travels far, it is necessary to worship the Sea Dragon King.

Gu Chaosheng was the leader of this group of men, he led everyone to worship the Sea Dragon King, and everyone followed them onto the big boat.

Circe was very excited to get on the boat at first, but after about an hour in the sea, something went wrong with her, her face was pale, she must be seasick.

Fortunately, Gu Youyou fell into misfortune, and said: "You also have today, how do you feel?"

On that side, Jin Ziyuan also seemed a little seasick, but his face was very pale, and he couldn't tell if he was any paler.

But he had been holding back for a long time without speaking or moving, so Gu Youyou felt that he was also dizzy.

They are northerners, which is also normal.

Gu Chaosheng came over from the front, and when he saw the two of them like this, he understood, and said with a smile: "This is the first time for the young brothers to take a boat, right? It will be a bit uncomfortable for the first time to take a boat."

He took out a piece of ginger from his bosom and said to them, "Try to chew some of this, it's getting late, go to the cabin and have a good sleep, and we will be there when the sun is up."

Gu Youyou took the piece of ginger over, and thanked: "Thank you, Uncle Gu, my two friends are seasick, and they have caused you trouble."

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay, but Doctor Gu, you're fine, you don't feel dizzy at all."

Gu Youyou smiled and said, "I'm used to it, it's not the first time I've gone to sea."

"Oh, that's how it is!" Gu Chaosheng glanced at the pitch-black sea, and said, "Then you guys have a good rest in the cabin, and I'll see if I can cast a net around here."

"Okay, Uncle Gu please!"

Gu Youyou cut the ginger into small pieces with a dagger, gave each of them a few pieces, and said: "Uncle Gu is a very experienced captain, fortunately he still remembers a few who have never been on a boat. Just this piece of ginger, It is specially prepared for us. Chew it quickly and eat it, and you will feel better in a while."

Jin Ziyuan took a piece of ginger and chewed it. It was so spicy that he frowned, looked at Gu Youyou, and asked, "Isn't it your first time to go to sea?"

Gu Youyou said awkwardly: "This is my business, I don't want to tell you."

Jin Ziyuan: "..."

Circe on the other side chewed and said, "It's really spicy, this is old ginger."

Oh, old ginger.

The two of them went to sleep soon, Gu Youyou came out of the cabin, Gu Chaosheng and the others had just released the net.

"Hopefully our first net will have a good sign."

"Yeah, the weather is good tonight, and the sea is rarely calm."

Seeing Gu Youyou coming, Gu Chaosheng turned his head and smiled at her and said, "Doctor Gu not go to sleep for a while?"

Gu Youyou said: "You're not sleepy yet, I'll see you get off the net too!"


Gu Youyou and the others just went out to sea, and Jin Zijin and Xiao Jinyan also chased after them to the inn where they stayed before.

"Shopkeeper, there is a man with particularly fair skin living in your shop."

It was already dark now, and the shopkeeper was settling accounts.Hearing this, he stopped, pointed to the second floor, and said to them: "The four southernmost rooms on the second floor, you can ask which one is which one, they are together."

Four rooms?
Xiao Jinyan looked at Jin Zijin in surprise, and said, "There are at least four of them?"

Jin Zijin didn't say anything, he just wanted to see Gu Youyou as soon as possible and see that she was safe and sound.

With a sullen face, he went up to the second floor.

Pushing open the first room, there was no one there, it was empty, and the quilt was folded very well.

(End of this chapter)

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