Chapter 826 They Go To Sea

Xiao Jinyan pushed open a room, but there was no one inside, it was fine.

Push the third room, and the door inside is locked.

He said to Jin Zijin, "Cousin, here."

Jin Zijin quickly came over and knocked on the door.

Gu Yunxi, who lived inside, was sleeping. He was tired all the way, and finally he could sleep as he wanted.

He badly needs to catch up on sleep.

At this time, he was awakened by the knock on the door, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Who is it!"

Naturally, the tone was not very good. Hearing a strange man's voice, Xiao Jinyan took a peek at his cousin and found that he didn't respond, so he knocked on the door again.

Gu Yunxi in the house reluctantly got up the boat, casually put his clothes on and came out.

He was obviously stunned when he saw the two strangers with extraordinary bearing, and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Xiao Jinyan said, "Where did those people who were with you go?"

Gu Yunxi woke up completely from a doze, and said, "Are you asking Circe? Or those two doctors?"

Jin Zijin and Xiao Jinyan understood, they pushed Gu Yunxi into the house and locked the door behind them.

Gu Yunxi was shocked, his heart turned cold.

Judging by the posture of these two people, they are not good people. What do they want to do?
He immediately hugged his head and said: "I... I don't know anything, please forgive me, you two heroes, I was also captured by that, Circe, and drove the carriage for them."

"Who is Circe?" Xiao Jinyan lowered Gu Yunxi's throat.

Jin Zijin coughed, and said, "That's a partner that Yoyo kept by her side, who worked with her to study those poisons and antidotes."

Xiao Jinyan: "..."

He asked Gu Yunxi again, "Where did they go?"

"I do not know!"

"Well, don't know?" A dagger rested on his throat.

Gu Yunxi was sweating from fright, thinking that he was really unlucky, he was a carriage driver, who did he provoke?
"I know... I know, they are going to sea, just tonight, they said they are going to Fusang Island!"

Jin Zijin and Xiao Jinyan's expressions darkened, they looked at each other, and they went to the General's Mansion in the East China Sea together.

Che Xiangyuan was also very surprised when two people from the capital came to visit late at night.

He put on his clothes and went to the front hall, and saw Jin Zijin and Xiao Jinyan sitting on the chairs.

He knew Xiao Jinyan from the Xiao family, but Jin Zijin had never met him.

But seeing his demeanor... he looks very much like the Jin family's royal family.

He didn't dare to neglect, he thought it was His Royal Highness Qin Wang who was with Xiao Jinyan.

Raising his hands in a bow, he asked, "General Xiao, this is...?"

Xiao Jinyan's rank is lower than that of Che Xiangyuan, seeing him salute first, he knew that he had misunderstood.

Jin Zijin's identity is not easy for outsiders to know, since he misunderstood, he will come up with a trick.

He hastily made a big salute, and said to Che Xiangyuan: "General Che, I have paid a late-night visit to this Duke Jin, and we really have something to ask for."

Xiao Jinyan simply explained their intention to Che Xiangyuan and borrowed a boat.

Che Xiangyuan was also a straightforward person, so he immediately asked someone to prepare a boat for them to go to Fusang Island, and also equipped several experienced sailors just in case.


At that time, on the boat where Gu Youyou was, the fishermen collected their nets, and the nets returned with a full load.

is a good sign.

The fishermen began to collect the caught fish, and then threw the unnecessary things into the sea.

When they threw the sea crab away, Gu Youyou's heart ached.

(End of this chapter)

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