Chapter 827 A false alarm

Quickly asked: "Uncle Gu, this sea crab looks very plump at first glance, why did you lose it?"

"This plump?" Gu Chaosheng was surprised.

Gu Youyou suddenly realized that they might not eat this food.

I still remember what book I read, like in ancient times, crabs and shrimps were not eaten by ordinary people, they thought they were lowly things, but they were used to send those who were in prison.

Gu Youyou laughed, grabbed a sea crab in his hand that was about to be thrown away, and said, "Uncle Gu doesn't know, although this kind of sea crab doesn't look very tasty, it is a good food for health. I am a doctor Yes, sometimes they are used to treat diseases, if Uncle Gu can trust me, can you keep them for our breakfast tomorrow morning."

Gu Chaosheng looked at the sea crab in his hand with a disgusted expression on his face, and said, "This weird-looking thing is good for drying and hanging on the door to drive away evil spirits and scare ghosts. How can you still eat it?"

Gu Youyou said: "How will you know if you don't try?"

At some point, she remembered, it seemed that people used this thing as an exorcism.

"Okay, then leave a few big sea crabs for Dr. Gu to eat."

They couldn't accept it and decided not to eat it.

Gu Youyou: "..." Well, she will eat by herself tomorrow morning.

After collecting the nets, the big boat sailed all the way to Fusang Island.

Some fishermen were sorting out the caught fish on the boat, and suddenly a fisherman uttered "Oops", which attracted everyone's attention.

His fingers were dripping with blood, and Gu Youyou saw that he had been pricked by the pointed mouth of a blue fish, and after a while, his fingers began to turn black.

She recognized the fish, the pointy part was poisonous.

Gu Youyou's complexion changed, and she hurried to the fisherman, saying, "This fish is poisonous, you need to squeeze the blood out of your fingers."

When everyone heard this, they rushed to shoot the lively fish to death.

Gu Chaosheng asked Gu Youyou, "Doctor Gu, is Ah Cheng okay?"

At this time, Ah Cheng's face was pale with fright, his eyes were fixed on Gu Youyou, and he put all his hopes on her.

Gu Youyou said: "Bring some clean water, and also, wake up that little doctor and tell her to bring some antidote."

"Okay, let's go!"

Soon someone brought the clear water prepared on the boat, and Circe was awakened from her sleep by them.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

At this time, Gu Youyou was washing the wound of the fisherman named Ah Cheng with clean water over and over again, and the others felt distressed and worried seeing the clean water being used like this.

Gu Youyou said: "He is poisoned, I am cleaning his wound, you take some antidote for him."

Circe took out a few antidote medicines for Ah Cheng to take, then pushed Gu Youyou away, and said, "Washing with water is too slow, let me do it."

After all, she lowered her head directly to suck the blood from Ah Cheng's finger.

A mouthful of black blood was spat out by her, Gu Youyou was a little worried.

"Are you okay? It's poisonous."

Circe said: "This little poison is nothing compared to the poison my mother asked me to try before."

I go.

"Okay then, suck it!"

The rescue was timely, Ah Cheng just vomited dizzily, and he was fine after a night of rest.

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm.

Early in the morning, Gu Youyou raised the pot and made those sea crabs delicious.

When the fragrance filled the boat, Gu Chaosheng finally regretted it.

Could it be that this thing is really edible and delicious?
(End of this chapter)

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