Chapter 828 Fusang Island

Gu Youyou offered Jin Ziyuan and Circe to eat sea crabs. Circe would probably dare to eat any strange things, but she did not refuse.

On the contrary, Jin Ziyuan hesitated for a moment, seeing Gu Youyou and Circe eating with gusto, he dared to speak.

After taking a bite, those yellow and disgusting looking things were really delicious, so I continued to eat.

But he moved gracefully, not like Circe's gulping.

Circe killed three of them in one go, but Gu Youyou told her: "You can't eat any more, you will get seasick if you eat too much."

Thinking about the discomfort of seasickness, she had no choice but to give up the urge to eat another one.

Gu Chaosheng left Gu Youyou with more than a dozen plump sea crabs, the three of them couldn't finish them.

Gu Youyou picked up one, walked up to Gu Chaosheng, and said, "Uncle Gu, why don't you try it too."

He had wanted to try it a long time ago, seeing that Gu Youyou handed it to him personally, there was no reason to refuse it, so he hurriedly laughed and said, "Okay, I'll try one too."

As soon as I took it in, I immediately praised it: "Well, Doctor Gu, this is delicious, really delicious, not bad. Come, everyone, come and try."

After hearing this, the others dared to try again, so when they caught sea crabs in the future, they would never throw them out again.


When Mo Yue was just past Chen, the group of them arrived at Fusang Island.

The journey went smoothly and everyone was in high spirits.

After sending the three of Gu Youyou to the island, Gu Chaosheng explained: "I will send the three of you here. When you go to the island to gather medicine, remember to be careful. We will come here to pick you up again in three days."

They also have to go deeper into the sea to fish, where there are more valuable fish.

Gu Youyou thanked him, and gave him some ointment for trauma.

The main mountain in the middle of Fusang Island is a big mountain that rises from the ground. Except for a few sandy beaches at the foot of the mountain, it is a mound covered by vegetation.

From a distance, it looks like a nail growing in the deep blue sea.

And the top of the mountain was not sharp, but a big hole was smashed, smashing the top of the mountain into the belly of the mountain.

Circe said: "It is rumored that the two beasts have been getting along very well since they were born, and they were inseparable day and night. But later, they didn't know why they fought. They fought from the ground to the ground, and then they fought again. Arriving at sea. On that day, the flames burned the sky, the rivers flowed backwards, and the seawater tumbling height even surpassed the mountains on Fusang Island. Finally, they all fell on this Fusang Island together and died together."

Gu Youyou thought, her description of the two beasts fighting was somewhat in line with the falling of a meteorite from the sky.

People in ancient times were ignorant, and would think that when thunder struck from the sky, it was the thunder god's anger, and they didn't even know what a meteorite was.With such a movement, they thought it was very possible that the two divine beasts were fighting.

She couldn't wait to go to the top of the mountain to see it.

Gu Youyou said: "Let's go up first and see how big the pit is."

There is no way to go up this mountain, it is all in its original state.It can be said that three people have suffered a big crime for climbing this mountain!
In order to prevent one of them from falling, they used ropes to connect the three of them together. Jin Ziyuan's skill is good, and he can rescue the two of them in case something happens to them.

Gu Youyou is better. Although she is not as good as Jin Ziyuan in climbing mountains, she is much better than Circe.

A girl like Circe is very strong. Although it is very difficult, she still gritted her teeth and endured it.

 Again, this is not a fantasy novel, but there will be some strange things, which I personally feel is acceptable.

  Then, those two stones are indeed meteorites by definition.

(End of this chapter)

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