Chapter 829 There are beasts

Gu Youyou couldn't see it anymore, so she said to her: "It's really impossible, or you can wait for us at the foot of the mountain."

Circe snorted, "I don't believe that you can climb up there. I can't compare to you sick bastard."

Gu Youyou: "..."

"I'm not an ordinary sick child. I grew up in the mountains, and I'm from the mountains. Why do you have to compete with me when you grew up in a deep house?"

Circe snorted and ignored Gu Youyou.

Fortunately, she is a quick learner, and soon she learned the key to climbing mountains. Slower, but not much slower than Gu Youyou.

Jin Ziyuan looked at Gu Youyou in surprise, and he found that he couldn't understand her more and more.

She said before that she went to sea, and now she can climb mountains.This Fusang mountain is not like the mountain in the flat ground. This mountain really stands upright, and the movements of her hands and the footholds she finds every time are just right. Good skill, really can't climb her.

Her movements seemed to have been professionally trained to climb mountains.

But isn't she a medicine man?How could the medicine man who had been imprisoned in the yard by the Gu family for ten years know these things?
"Hey, what are you thinking? Be serious, we're fine, you fell." Gu Youyou reminded Jin Ziyuan when he saw Jin Ziyuan's absent-minded appearance.

Only then did Jin Ziyuan come back to his senses, and climb up seriously.

When they reached the middle of the mountain, they found a slightly flat place and the three of them stopped.

Jin Ziyuan took out dry food and water and gave them to Gu Youyou and Circe, and said, "Eat something, there is still half the way."

Gu Youyou nodded, and said, "Okay, let's replenish your strength first. From what it looks like, you still have to climb for an hour."

Circe asked in surprise, "Have we been climbing for an hour?"

"more or less."

"It's been so long? I don't think it's very tall."

Gu Youyou smiled and said: "There is a saying that Wangshan runs to death, and the same principle applies to climbing from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain."

After eating some high-calorie beef jerky, Gu Youyou drank some water and chewed a piece of ginseng.

The food she prepares is something that can replenish physical strength quickly, not for one-time satiation.

Circe was still complaining about the lack of a few pancakes, which, in her opinion, were the hungrier ones.

But when she got up again, she understood Gu Youyou's good intentions.

A few pieces of beef jerky, and ginseng slices. I didn't eat much, and I didn't even feel full. That was definitely a big pie.

In the forest above, something is stirring.On this quiet island, Gu Youyou could easily hear it.

She stopped, and also called to Jin Ziyuan, who was exploring the way ahead.

Jin Ziyuan's ears are no worse than Gu Youyou's, so he naturally heard it too.

He lowered his eyes and said, "There must be some kind of beast. Be careful and grab the tree around you."

While speaking, he had already untied the rope tied around his body and took out a dagger.

Gu Youyou nodded at him, immediately tied the other end of the rope around her body to the tree beside her, and hugged the tree beside her like an octopus.

Circe saw it, and quickly followed suit.

Facing the unknown, she seemed a little excited.

"What is it? Did you all hear it?" Circe asked in a low voice.

Gu Youyou also told in a low voice: "Jin Ziyuan and I ate some things with sharp eyes and ears, and our ears are more sensitive than others. Listening to this movement, it is probably a monkey."

"Monkey?" Circe's eyes lit up. She had only seen monkeys in books, but never in reality.

(End of this chapter)

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