Chapter 830 Blood is cold

"Be careful, here we come." Jin Ziyuan yelled, Gu Youyou looked up, and a monkey with blue and white hair and a ferocious grin showing terrifying fangs appeared in her sight .

In all her life, Gu Youyou... had never seen such a monkey.

What the hell is this?Is it a unique species of Fusang Island?

Or, as she guessed, the island was once hit by a meteorite, and the monkeys on the mountain were mutated by some kind of radiation?
Circe tugged at the rope around Gu Youyou's waist and asked, "It seems different."

Gu Youyou said: "Yes, this may be a variant."

"Mutant? What happens then?"

"I don't know, look..."

Before they finished speaking, they saw the white monkey rushing towards them, the speed was beyond their imagination.

"Aw... woo..."

This is not the chirp or squeak that ordinary little monkeys should have, but the cry of a primate great ape.

But its body shape is obviously that of a small monkey.

The white monkey approached Jin Ziyuan who was at the front in an instant, and was slashed down by his sharp sword, blood spilled all over the sky, and fell from Gu Youyou's side.

Fortunately, they have a good skill here, otherwise it would not be fun to be stared at by this beast on the cliff.

Apart from the strange appearance of this monkey, the speed is very fast.

Jin Ziyuan put away his sword, tied the rope back around his waist, and said to them, "Go up quickly, we're almost there."

Gu Youyou nodded slightly, and looked down at Circe.

Circe seemed to be still in shock, staring at the few drops of blood that had spilled on her skin, thoughtfully.

"What's wrong?" Gu Youyou saw that something was wrong with her.

"Blood is cold, very cold," Searcy said.

Gu Youyou was not sprinkled with blood, so she was slightly taken aback when she heard this.

Shouldn't the fresh blood be hot?Monkeys are not cold-blooded animals.

While thinking about it, there were restless voices in the distance, and there were many voices.

Jin Ziyuan in front of him looked solemn and said loudly to them: "No, there are many."

A lot of what?

The faces of the three were pale, but they saw many monkeys rushing towards them.

A few big ones rushed towards Jin Ziyuan directly.

Jin Ziyuan was holding swords, one sword at a time, but no monkey could get close to him.

The monkey corpses fell from above, Gu Youyou dodged left and right to avoid those monkey corpses, bright red blood fell on Gu Youyou's body, and her body froze.

It's cold, really cold.

What kind of variant is this?
The monkeys seemed to realize that they were not Jin Ziyuan's opponent, and soon they stopped rushing at him, but started picking fruits from the trees, and threw stones from the cracks in the rocks towards them.

Gu Youyou felt that her heart was full of grass N mud N horses, what is the concept of dozens of monkeys throwing things at you?
What kind of concept is it that you are hanging on the cliff at this time?
Fortunately, I hadn't come in a hurry to untie the rope tied to the tree, otherwise, if I dodged left and right in this situation, I would fall down the mountain and be smashed to pieces.

But even so, a lot of stones and fruits still hit them, making them grin their teeth in pain.

Circe yelled from behind, "I'll have to poison these little bastards, and I'll set fire to the mountain when I get down from the mountain..."

Gu Youyou said: "You should be careful to hide, then you have to go down the mountain with your life. These animals have lived on the cliff for a long time, and we will lose a lot in fighting them."

(End of this chapter)

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