Chapter 831 Monkey Army
Jin Ziyuan blocked most of the firepower, and in order to protect Gu Youyou and Circe below, he also hanged himself, with two big green bumps on his forehead, making his handsome face very strange.

And the blow on the back of his head was a bit harsh, bleeding out.

"Grasp it firmly." Jin Ziyuan yelled while dodging.

After saying that, he had already untied the rope on his body, tied it firmly to a big tree beside him, then flew up, and after a few ups and downs, he reached the crowd of monkeys.

The sword light flashed, and soon a few monkeys who were running slowly were splashed with blood on the spot.

After chopping down a few with the sword, they seemed to frighten the monkeys. They jumped far away one by one, holding the fruit in their hands and staring at Jin Ziyuan holding the sword with their round eyes. ferocious.

Gu Youyou hugged the tree in one hand, and a dagger in the other.

In case a monkey rushed towards her, she couldn't use her embroidered fist to deal with it.

"Smart, get back quickly!" Jin Ziyuan let out a cold face.

Those monkeys jumped and looked at Jin Ziyuan from a distance, and gradually, the ferocious expression eased, and turned to tilting their heads to look at him in doubt.

The two sides confronted each other for a while, then they turned their attention to Gu Youyou and Circe who were not far away.

Gu Youyou secretly thought it was bad, maybe they knew that Jin Ziyuan was not easy to mess with, and they were going to pinch them two soft persimmons.

Circe sneered, and said, "My dagger is poisoned and my throat is sealed with blood. It seems that these monkeys are going to try it."

Gu Youyou sighed, this girl is really talented.

Ordinary girls would be so frightened that their legs would go weak, but she looked quite excited.

Gu Youyou sighed: "Be careful and tie yourself up. These monkeys are not big, they are very fast, and... they are weird."

If possible, she would like to take one back to study.

The monkeys gradually divided into two teams, and the first team continued to entangle with Jin Ziyuan.

They no longer took the initiative to attack him, but prevented him from saving Gu Youyou and Circe.

Another team of monkeys rushed towards Gu Youyou and Circe.

Instead of throwing anything, he rushed towards them as fast as lightning.

The monkeys have always lived on this mountain, and they have taken advantage of walking on the cliffs as if walking on flat ground.

Worse, their numbers have grown over time.

A bold monkey tentatively rushed to Gu Youyou's side. She swung her dagger and swiped towards it, but was easily dodged by it.

Circe seemed to have encountered the same situation, and now she couldn't laugh.

These monkeys are not so easy to hurt at all, they are just two ordinary girls, how can they compare with people like Jin Ziyuan?

One temptation was successful, and two rushed over.

On the cliff not far away, Jin Ziyuan was surrounded by a large group of monkeys. Seeing the situation on Gu Youyou's side, he was very worried, and said loudly: "Hold on, I'll be right over."

Regardless of the injuries on his body, he started to kill the monkey group and rushed towards the cliff where they were.

The situation of the three of them was very bad at this time, and there were more and more monkeys, roughly hundreds of them.

The mountain is so big, there must be more than these hundreds of monkeys, there may be more monkeys rushing in this direction.

If they don't get away, all three of them will die here.

Jin Ziyuan was fine by himself, he might be able to escape with some injuries, but being dragged down by the two of them, he was bound to die.

(End of this chapter)

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