It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 832 Reaching the top of the mountain

Chapter 832 Reaching the top of the mountain
Gu Youyou's face was a little pale. On her side, a few monkeys rushed towards them, and a monkey scratched her arm accidentally, and blood beads came out immediately.

It feels cold and painful, and also has a tingling comfort, which is very strange.

This feeling should be a sign of poisoning, but it is not quite poisonous.

Gu Youyou's complexion sank, the monkey who scratched her arm bleeding out looked even weirder than her.

He looked at his claws in shock, and after a while, he yelled to the monkeys behind him.

Those monkeys also stopped, tilting their heads and looking at Gu Youyou.

Seeing this scene, the three of them were stunned.

what are these monkeys doing
After a while, there was a non-stop creaking sound in the group of monkeys, and then they suddenly scattered.

The monkey's speed was very fast, and it disappeared without a trace in a short time.

If there are blood drops hanging on the rocks and vegetation from time to time, it is as if the monkeys have never been here.

"How did they escape?" Circe asked curiously.

She was also bleeding, and there was a line on her face, and her beautiful face was scratched.

As a woman, it is a terrible thing to hurt her face, but she didn't realize it.

"I don't know!" Gu Youyou was still a little stunned.

She seemed to think of something, that kind of thing flashed in her mind, but she didn't catch it.

"It's not easy to stay here for a long time, let's go up first and then talk."

All three were injured to varying degrees, and they got up a little slower than before, and it took almost another hour to reach the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain seems to have been cut off, and the whole is as flat as a knife.

It's just that in the middle of the flat mountain top, there is a big hole with no bottom.

Standing on the top of the mountain, no matter looking into the big hole or looking out at the deep blue sea, it will make people feel dizzy.

Hearing that the top of the mountain was smashed into the mountainside, Gu Youyou was mentally prepared, but she didn't think that the cave in the mountainside was so deep.

The interior of the entire mountain is a deep pit, and the mountainside is mostly rocks, and a small number of plants grow in the crevices of the rocks.

They first sat on the flat top of the mountain and treated the wounds on the three of them.

Because Mrs. Gu said that there would be wild beasts in this mountain, she prepared a lot of emergency medicine in advance.

The wounds on Gu Youyou and Jin Ziyuan's bodies will be fine once they are dealt with, but on Circe's side, she has a rare dignified expression, and said: "It's such a severe cold poison, my physique can't even suppress this poison."

Gu Youyou and Jin Ziyuan looked at each other, with shock on their faces.

They didn't feel the severe cold poison in the parts injured by the monkeys.

Is it because the two of them are medicine people?

"How do you feel?" Gu Youyou asked while putting her hand on Circe's wrist.

Circe pushed Gu Youyou's hand away, and said, "Don't worry, it's just troublesome, I know it well. When it comes to poison, I'm an expert."

This is true, since she herself said it's nothing serious, she thinks she's doing well.

She looked at Gu Youyou and Jin Ziyuan in surprise, and said, "Are you two okay?" She stared at the wounds of the two of them, thinking that their physiques were not as good as hers, so it should be more serious.But seeing their appearance, Hao Jie didn't feel anything wrong.

Gu Youyou glanced at Jin Ziyuan, then turned to Circe and said, "Both of us have been poisoned by cold. The poison on the monkey's paw and the cold poison in our body seem to belong to the same type, and we have absorbed them."

(End of this chapter)

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