Chapter 833 Blue Grass
"Is that so?" The three of them felt that something was wrong, but none of them said much, but seized the time to take care of their injuries.

After all the injuries on the body were treated, they rested for a while to replenish their strength, and then walked to the edge of the big hole together.

Jin Ziyuan looked at the depth, it was pitch black inside, bottomless.

"You guys wait for me here, I'll go down and have a look."

Gu Youyou shook her head, and said, "You just have to see it for yourself, I have to go." Then she turned her head and said to Circe, "Why don't you guard your luggage up there, and we'll just go down."

Circe said, "What's the matter? It's not easy for me to climb up. If I can't go down and have a look, wouldn't I come in vain?"

The three talked about it, but none of them wanted to stay on it, and finally decided to go down together.

Gu Youyou prepared all the boarding equipment in advance, and she took out all the things in the backpack, mainly ropes, and the backpack that Jin Ziyuan brought was full of ropes.

She said: "We have to prepare first. The rocks in this cave may not be stable, and they may not be easy to fall."

She tied the rope and said, "Get some strong branches, as thick as a forearm, and about as long as this."

The three of them worked together and chopped down tree sticks. Gu Youyou tied them to the rope one by one, and it became a long ladder extending downward.

Jin Ziyuan smiled and said: "This ladder is suitable for you to use, but you still have to be careful. This deep pit is bottomless, and it may be dangerous."

"Take it easy, we'll tie the rope."

Seeing that they had additional safety ropes tied around their waists, Jin Ziyuan nodded and said nothing.

He didn't need Gu Youyou's rope, and jumped directly down the cliff.

Gu Youyou and Circe are very envious, but it's a pity that such a good skill cannot be envied.

Circe said: "If I knew I would be kicked out by the Lu family and wander around in the rivers and lakes, I should have gone to the military camp with them to practice in the early years."

"Hey, come down quickly, there are many special plants here!"

Below, within sight, Jin Ziyuan was already shouting.

Gu Youyou went down the ladder first, followed by Circe.

After climbing to the place where Jin Ziyuan was, Gu Youyou cried out in surprise.

Those beautiful plants are actually very similar to You Yingzao.

It's just not as blue and pure as Youyingcao.

"What kind of grass is this?"

Circe curiously pulled one out, put it in front of his nose and smelled it.

For a while, Gu Youyou was in a very complicated mood.

She had a feeling that maybe the secret she had been thinking about for a long time was about to be solved here.

She said: "Put it in the backpack first, and study it slowly when you get back."

The grass in the crevices of the stones is not only the kind of grass that looks similar to the Youying grass, but also other varieties.Some, even the common grasses that grow in the crevices and abysses, but they are not the same as those grasses outside, their leaves are not so green, but have a little blue, and as they go down The deeper you go, the thicker the blue.

At the back, it is even bluer than the Youying grass.

Several people felt that this place was unusual, and all of them looked solemn.

Jin Ziyuan was exploring the way ahead, while Gu Youyou and Circe followed behind, pulling out some special flowers and plants and putting them into the backpack from time to time.

The hole began to look like an inverted funnel, and the ladder they had prepared had reached the end, so they had to untie the rope on their bodies and put another rope to climb down.

(End of this chapter)

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