Chapter 834 The answer is here
Only Jin Ziyuan has the ability to go down this kind of terrain, and neither Gu Youyou nor Circe can go down.

In order for the three of them to go down, he first went down to explore the way, and soon reached the bottom of the funnel.

After making sure there was no danger, he lit a fire at the bottom.

With the lighting from the fire, both Gu Youyou and Circe could see him and the terrain around the fire.

Soon Jin Ziyuan came up and said to them, "I'll take you down."

Gu Youyou nodded, Jin Ziyuan hooked her waist, followed the long rope to perform lightness kung fu, and quickly went down.

Then he went up to get Circe.

This deep pit is narrow in the middle and shaped like an hourglass with two large ends. It is very strange that a meteorite fell and made such a hole.

The bottom is an irregular circle, with a diameter of about 30 or so, which is really not small. This size is larger than the mouth of the deep pit.

Bare and flat.Jin Ziyuan lit a torch and finished watching it quickly.

Compared with the funnel above, there are also some plants growing here, but their leaves are all red, and similarly, the further down, the redder.

Gu Youyou suddenly understood the answer that flashed in his mind before.

She was surprised and said: "This is where the Candlelight Pearl and Youying Pearl are produced, so the things here... are influenced by them to become like this."

Jin Ziyuan nodded, and said: "The candlelight is yang, and the gloom is yin. It should be the upper yang and the lower yin, but this funnel is reversed, and it becomes upper yin and lower yang."

Gu Youyou continued: "That's why the yang energy here won't leak out, so the monkeys on the cliff will have such a heavy yin and cold air."

Circe also understood, and said: "So the cold poison in you is actually related to the yin and yang here?"

Gu Youyou nodded, and said: "And...the bottom of such a deep pit should be filled with water, but the bottom is very dry, and there is no water at all. However, there is a lot of rain in the nearby sea area, so it is impossible not to rain."

Jin Ziyuan also nodded and said: "Yes, there was a heavy rain the night before yesterday, and the soil outside the mountain is soft, which is obvious. The outside is Yin and the inside is Yang. When the rain falls, it is all evaporated by the Yang Qi here. Do you feel very uncomfortable?" hot?"

Jin Ziyuan and Gu Youyou seldom feel the heat, but at this time, they feel that it is quite hot here.

As an ordinary person, Circe should have felt very hot and dry, but because she had just been poisoned by the cold before, at this moment, she only felt that the cold poison in her body was evaporating from her body, and she was very comfortable.

She said: "I hope the monkey's cold poison can last a little longer. When the cold poison in my body is cured, I'm afraid I will suffer."

Gu Youyou was extremely surprised by the scene in front of him.

Several people looked at it for a while, and Gu Youyou said: "Perhaps unlocking the secret here can cure the poison of the Youying grass. As long as the Youying grass loses its effect, other cold poisons will not be a problem."

"In this case, let's quickly find out the secret here, and pull up all the plants, it may be useful."

The three of them each lit a torch and worked separately, which would be faster.


The three of Gu Youyou had already descended into the lower-level funnel of the deep pit, and Jin Zijin and his party also landed on the island.

I picked a few skilled people to follow, but they all frowned when they saw the corpses of the monkeys down the mountain.

"Why do these monkeys look so strange, with hideous faces, this is the first time I have seen such hairs." Xiao Jinyan said.

(End of this chapter)

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