Chapter 835 Dare to go up?
While speaking, Jin Zijin had already bent down to examine the corpses of those monkeys.

Some local sailors said: "I came to this island once when I first entered the navy. I was curious and planned to go up the mountain with a few companions, but I encountered these monkeys just halfway up.

Several companions were knocked off the cliff by these monkeys and fell to their deaths, and some were scratched by monkeys. The wounds could not heal anyway, and they froze to death. "

"Frozen to death?" Xiao Jinyan grasped the point, "How could he freeze to death?"

The sailor said: "That's right, they were indeed frozen to death. These monkeys have poison on their claws, and the wounds of the poisoned people will gradually frostbite. When the poisonous gas enters the body, the whole person will freeze, and then they will freeze to death."

The unlucky coachman Gu Yunxi who was forcibly arrested turned pale with fright, and hurriedly said: "Guys, I'm just a driver. I can't climb such a high mountain. Why don't you just let me go?" Come on, I'll wait for you on the boat."

Xiao Jinyan laughed, patted Gu Yunxi on the shoulder and whispered, "Are you afraid?"

Gu Yunxi nodded hurriedly, he is just a common man, earning a little money by driving a car honestly, whoever he provoked, why did he provoke these people?
"You have to go if you're afraid. Don't forget that the woman who poisoned you has already gone up. She used to be a decent lady. They can climb up. Don't say you have hands and feet. Big men don’t dare? If this is the case, don’t go get the antidote, just jump into the sea and drown, so as not to embarrass the man.”

Ever since Gu Yunxi complained to these officials about how Circe poisoned him along the way and how he threatened him to drive the car without sleep, Xiao Jinyan despised him extremely.

It's really useless for a big man to be bullied like this by a young lady.

"Woman?" Gu Yunxi was shocked.

I thought: The woman he is talking about is Circe, right?
So tough, how could it be a woman?
Xiao Jinyan snorted and ignored him, but squatted down and looked at the monkey corpses together with Jin Zijin.

"Cousin, what can you see?"

Jin Zijin looked solemn, and said: "The cold is very heavy, and the blood is much colder than ordinary dead bodies."

Xiao Jinyan was slightly startled, and reached out to touch the blood.

"Don't move!" Jin Zijin grabbed his hand and said, "There is poison in blood."

"Can't touch it?" Xiao Jinyan asked in surprise.

Jin Zijin shook his head lightly, and said: "If there is no wound on the body, it will not be fatal. After all, it is poisonous. It is best not to touch it."

"Then why are you still touching?"

"My physique is different, so I'm not afraid of this poison."

Xiao Jinyan was dumbfounded.

Several sailors were a little apprehensive when they saw the corpses all over the ground, but they couldn't say it in front of Jin Zijin and Xiao Jinyan.

They said it in the general, let them listen to the two of them during the sea, they are afraid to go up the mountain, if they insist on going up the mountain, what should we do?
Someone gently pushed the person who spoke boldly just now. He had seen the horrors of those monkeys back then, so he spoke boldly again.

"Two generals, the mountain is only half way up, and those monkeys won't come down. We're safe down there, but up there..."

Xiao Jinyan smiled and said, "We are going there."

Everyone twitched violently.

"But no one has ever dared to go up. When fishermen go to this island to rest, they just rest at the bottom and never dare to go up the mountain."

(End of this chapter)

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