Chapter 836 They are here too

"We are not fishermen." Xiao Jinyan continued with a half-smile.

Others can't help it. They are soldiers, so they naturally understand the principle that military orders cannot be violated.

Since Xiao Jinyan insisted, they could only bite the bullet.

They only hope that after their death, they can subsidize some money to their families.

Xiao Jinyan is also a master who can win people's hearts. Now that he is about to go up the mountain, he immediately said: "All soldiers obey the order, and you will go up the mountain with this general. If you can come back alive, you will be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver. If you die unfortunately, you will be rewarded with 2000 taels of silver." Two, to ensure that his family has no worries about food and clothing. I don’t like to threaten others, so if you want to go up the mountain with me, if you don’t want to, you can go back to the boat and wait.”

1000 taels, 2000 taels?With such a sum, they would not be able to earn money as sailors for a lifetime. No one would quit at the moment.

Even Gu Yunxi, who was stupidly trying to escape, tied a rope and began to climb up.

Xiao Jinyan smiled and said: "That's right. Before us, there were already three people. Among them, two are sick and two are delicate ladies. You can't be compared with them."

Everyone: "..."

Why does it sound so convoluted?Three people, two sick people, and two delicate ladies?
A few sailors went there for the money and the man's dignity, but Gu Yunxi wanted to see with his own eyes whether the vicious poison doctor was really a woman as Xiao Jinyan said.

Recalling the bellyband he saw that night, he felt that it was very possible that what Xiao Jinyan said was true.

This mountain is not straight up and down at [-] degrees, but still has a certain inclination. In addition, there are many rocks and trees that can be used. In fact, it is not difficult for these strong sailors to climb such a mountain. The speed is faster than Gu Youyou and the others. People are much faster.

As they expected, they encountered a group of monkeys when they reached the middle of the mountain.

Because the monkeys gathered here not long ago, they came very fast this time and surrounded them very quickly.

Gu Yunxi, who doesn't know martial arts, is in the middle, and the others surrounded the city in a circle, chopping off the monkeys rushing from all directions and falling off the cliff.

But after a while, the number of monkeys turned out to be more, and they felt something was wrong.

Monkeys are not powerful, the key is the large number.

Going on like this is not an option, and it will consume them to death. You must know that human energy is limited.

"Cousin, we have to find a way quickly. There is still half an hour to go up, but there are more and more monkeys."

Jin Zijin naturally understood, his brows were deeply furrowed.

Seeing these monkeys with severe cold, he seemed to have guessed something.

So powerful, how could he not know about Jin Ziyuan's ability?He was able to go up with two helpless women, how could he rely on his own ability?
For the question here, he made a good guess.

So make an important decision.

The red dagger in his hand retracted and approached his arm.With a bark, a line of blood was drawn on his arm.

Bright red hot blood sprayed out, startling Xiao Jinyan.

"Cousin, what are you doing?"

Jin Zijin said: "You can't set fire to the mountain, you can only use my blood."

Everyone: "..." Why is his blood so awesome.

(End of this chapter)

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