It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 837 Something is coming from the cave

Chapter 837 Something is coming from the cave

Everyone didn't expect that Jin Zijin's blood was really miraculous. His blood sprayed out, and the monkeys in front who were splashed by the blood seemed to have touched the most terrifying thing in the world, and jumped up all of a sudden. , looked at the blood in horror, screamed and ran away.

The other monkeys also slowed down when they saw it.

Jin Zijin said loudly, "Quick, climb up."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, they climbed up several meters.

Just waiting for those monkeys to come to their senses, they rushed up again.

This time Jin Zijin didn't spill the blood on his hand directly, but sticking to the blood, he took out a piece of yellow paper and drew something quickly.

After a while, a piece of talisman paper was drawn by him.

The talisman paper was slashed by the red dagger, and a raging fire ignited, and the burning talisman paper was pushed forward with internal force, and the monkeys on the road quickly stepped aside.

Xiao Jinyan sighed in surprise: "Cousin, everyone said that Taoism's Taoism is extremely mysterious, and today I have seen it."

Jin Zijin said indifferently: "The mysterious thing is not the Taoism, but these monkeys and this dagger."


"This dagger is cast from a stone from beyond the sky, so it has its own peculiarities."

"What about your blood?"

"I said, my blood is special!"

Xiao Jinyan: "..."


On Gu Youyou's side, they collected various types of plants and packed a backpack full of them.

Several people were also tired, sat in the middle of the hole, and lit a fire.

Not for warming, but for lighting.

Because of the special area in this cave, except for a bunch of sunlight at noon, it is dark inside.

After the sun is westward, the sun can't shine in, and it's dark inside, which makes people uneasy.

The cold poison on Circe's body was almost gone, and the wound on her face healed a lot, and gradually turned into an ordinary scratch.

Gu Youyou put some medicine on her face to prevent scars.

Circe fanned herself with her hand and complained, "It's getting hotter and hotter, no, I need to take some cooling medicine."

She took the medicine and asked again: "When are we going up, there seems to be nothing else here."

Gu Youyou looked at the plants pulled out from his backpack, and to be honest, he was a little disappointed.

She said: "Let's rest for a while and go up. Climbing up is hard work."

After saying that, she took out the beef jerky and ginseng slices that she had prepared before and shared them with everyone.

Jin Ziyuan ate it unceremoniously, but Circe shook his head, "I'll get hot sores on my mouth if I eat any more, I'll bear it."

Gu Youyou smiled and gave her the water to drink.

But at this moment, there were some strange noises from the surrounding walls, all rustling and densely packed, as if many small things were about to come out.

The voice is getting louder and louder,

Such a voice makes one's scalp numb, not to mention Gu Youyou and Jin Ziyuan who have good hearing, even Circe who only has ordinary hearing can hear very clearly.

"There's something coming around."

Jin Ziyuan clenched his dagger tightly.

Gu Youyou and Circe took out the daggers used to cut branches.

The sound became louder and louder, and soon, the sound of cracks in the rock breaking through the ground was heard.

"They're coming out soon," Circe yelled, grabbing a packet of poison powder.

The poison she brought is about to come in handy, and I hope that in this small space, I don't poison myself to death.

"Let's see first." Gu Youyou grabbed her hand and said.

"I have an antidote, so what are you afraid of?" Circe said plausibly.

(End of this chapter)

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