Chapter 838 Rat
After saying that, she gave the three pills to Gu Youyou and Jin Ziyuan respectively.

"Come out!" Jin Ziyuan swallowed the pill and said in a deep voice.

The three of them took a closer look, and found a mouse crawled out of the gap in the broken stone.

The mouse has red fur all over its body, and it is bigger than ordinary mice.

Circe's eyes lit up, and he said, "It's more interesting for us to capture such mice for research than the ones raised at home."

It's okay if there are only a few, but there are so many of these mice, and they...seem to eat people.

After a while, more mice crawled out, all of them with red fur, crawled out of the caves in all directions, and rushed towards Gu Youyou and the others.

Such a scalp-numbing thing, Gu Youyou was so frightened that she hugged her head and screamed.

Jin Ziyuan pulled her to his side, lightened his body, and hung up the rope hanging in mid-air.

Gu Youyou breathed a sigh of relief, then was shocked, and said, "Cersi is still below."

Circe stared dumbfounded at the red rats with the bag of poison in their hands. Those rats seemed to target not them, but the fire they were burning.

The horde of rats passed by Circe and headed straight for the fire.

It's a pity that according to their attacking method, the fire was extinguished in one fell swoop.

Without the fire, the mice seemed restless and furious.

The dense swarm of rats got confused and finally started attacking Circe who was standing.

Circe screamed, and she spilled the packet of poison powder in her hand.

Countless mice began to move slowly, and soon foamed at the mouth and struggled, and then died.

Gu Youyou secretly said loudly.

It's a pity that poisoning those rats didn't do much, because more rats came out.

They seemed to be very disciplined, and did not directly harm Circe, but lifted her up and ran towards the edge of the cave.

Gu Youyou had seen a group of ants carrying a huge amount of food. At this moment, those mice were carrying Circe, just like when the ants were carrying food.

This thought startled Gu Youyou, she hugged the rope tightly, and said to Jin Ziyuan: "Quick, go and save her."

I don't know where the rats are taking her.

It was so frightening, and it was the first time that Circe, who was usually very courageous, felt scared.

When Madam Lu threatened her that her life would be worse than death, she was never afraid when she was tortured.

Jin Ziyuan didn't care about other people's life and death, seeing the persistence in Gu Youyou's eyes, and the way she was so anxious that she would jump off if he didn't go, finally decided to go on.

"Be careful, hold on."

He didn't know how long Gu Youyou could hang himself by grabbing the rope, but he would come back as soon as possible.

After he landed, the rest of the mice ran towards Jin Ziyuan again, trying to carry him away in the same way.

Jin Ziyuan was a powerful food for them, they could not knock him down, so they climbed up his legs, some mice even got into his trouser legs and bit his legs.

It doesn't hurt, just a little crispy.

Jin Ziyuan's face was serious, he swung his dagger and kept killing the rats that crawled on his body.

The corpses of mice were piled up at his feet, but there were still a steady stream of mice crawling out of the cracks in the mountain.

He wanted to get close to Circe with luck, but found that his legs were extremely numb. He secretly thought that something was wrong, the rat was poisonous, and after being bitten by it, he could no longer perform lightness kung fu.

(End of this chapter)

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