It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 844 Remaining life after catastrophe

Chapter 844 Remaining life after catastrophe
He grabbed Circe and gestured wildly at Gu Youyou, looking anxious.

At this critical moment, Gu Youyou actually understood, and turned her head to look behind her.

Not far behind Gu Youyou, she found another one who couldn't swim.

Jin Zijin?
This product can't drink water, why didn't you say it earlier?She was furious.

At the same time, my heart was so frightened that I almost broke my qigong.

And he doesn't even know how to use water, so why would he mention such things as smashing a rock wall and swimming out.

It's really terrible, Gu Youyou hurriedly swam towards him, grabbed his hand, breathed into his mouth, and then swam up desperately.

It is not deep from the sea here, and when you swim out of the cave, you can see the blue sea and blue sky.

It's just that no one expected that there was another person who didn't come out in a hurry, but turned back to the cave, went into the lotus pond and scooped up the Sun Candle Pearl.


The other group of people were stunned. The sea water flooded in from the stone wall, and soon submerged up to their waists.

But fortunately, it was only submerged to the waist and did not rise any further.

Otherwise, in their current situation, it would be difficult to get out.

Seeing the sea water that no longer rises, everyone has the feeling of surviving after a catastrophe.

Wait for the body to recover, and then climb up.

It's just that they seem to have forgotten one thing, Jin Zijin went to the mouse hole to save people, but did not come back.

Xiao Jinyan was shocked, and said: "Jin Zijin is still in the cave, I have to save him."

Everyone was startled and broke out in a cold sweat.

Someone immediately stopped Xiao Jinyan and said, "General Xiao, you can't go. The water has reached here, and the mouse hole has already been submerged. After so long, people must be... gone."

Xiao Jinyan staggered, almost unable to stand still.

Jin Zijin was drowned. If he died, what future would the Xiao family have?If he goes back, dad can't shoot him to death?

"No, I have to save him, he can't die..."

Several people grabbed Xiao Jinyan tightly, and comforted him: "General Xiao, the hole is really deep, you can't go there."

"Yeah, it's very strange here, we should go back quickly and report the situation here to General Che."

Xiao Jinyan was dragged back by the crowd. Those red mice, because of the flood, killed and injured countless people, and the few who survived crawled out like crazy.

There are many monkeys around the top of the mountain. They are afraid of this cave, and they are frightened when they see those crazy red mice coming out. How can they dare to guard the people inside?Already fleeing for their lives.

In this way, they returned to the top of the mountain safely, and then went down from the top of the mountain to return to the boat in safety.


Gu Youyou and the others had already swam safely to the surface of the sea. She took a big gulp of air and hugged Jin Zijin tightly.

She suddenly remembered that when she was in Lianhua Village, she asked him a silly question, asking herself and Yue Rujing who fell into the water first, who would he save first?
At that time, Jin Zijin's serious face had a look of embarrassment, but thinking about it now, what he said that he can't swim is true.

It's hard to imagine that a person like Jin Zijin is a landlubber, or a stubborn landlubber.

She took a breath, and when she saw Jin Zijin's appearance, she was startled.

He choked on water and needed first aid and artificial respiration.

Fortunately, it was not far from the shore, so she hurriedly dragged him to the shore.

On the other side, Gu Yunxi dragged Circe to the shore. Similarly, Circe was dead, not sure if he was dead or alive.

But she can't control so much now, she has to rescue Jin Zijin first.

(End of this chapter)

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