Chapter 845 Artificial Respiration
On the other side, Gu Yunxi thought that Circe was dead, so she cried with snot and tears, and said loudly: "Hey, you poisonous woman can't die, where is my antidote? You haven't given me the antidote yet." As for the medicine, my parents are still waiting for me to go home, I can't die here..."

Gu Youyou said loudly to him: "Coachman, don't push her, save her like me."

Jin Zijin was asked to spit out water, artificial respiration, and chest resuscitation.

On that side, Gu Yunxi was dumbfounded, but saving people was the most important thing, and he didn't care about other things, so he treated Circe like this.

It's just that Circe didn't drink enough water, so he first pressed a few times on her chest, which was like Gu Youyou's parent and son, and the soft touch under the palm of his hand came up, and his whole body stiffened instantly.

It's a woman, really a woman.

He was dumbfounded, his hands trembling uncontrollably.

In that room, Gu Youyou was giving Jin Zijin artificial respiration. Seeing that scene, his blood boiled all over his body.

Looking down at Circe's pale lips, he swallowed hard.

He whispered to himself: "Don't blame me for taking advantage of it. That is the method of saving people taught by Doctor Gu. I am here to save you. Of course, don't thank me. I am here for my antidote. If it weren't for your hand There is the antidote I want, even if I kill you, I won’t save you.”

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes, with a look of death.

After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes.

No, how could he do this?If you touch something you shouldn't touch, how can you kiss someone you shouldn't.

With a bitter face, he said loudly to Gu Youyou: "Doctor Gu, let's change?"

Wouldn't it be nice to change to a different gender to do this kind of thing?
Gu Youyou said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, do you want her to die?"

Gu Yunxi: "..."

But just as he closed his eyes and was about to sink his head, Circe woke up.

Seeing this scene, Circe was so angry that he slapped the person away and sat up.

"You want to die, dare to do this kind of thing to my aunt?"

This slap was not light, and a red handprint quickly appeared on Gu Yunxi's face. He covered his face aggrievedly, and looked sideways at Gu Youyou and Jin Zijin.

Circe followed his gaze, and under the gorgeous sunset, a man and a woman were doing that shameful thing on the beach.

No, it should be the woman who pushed the fainted man to the beach and forced him to do something shameful.

This picture is too eye-catching, even for a 'special' woman like Circe, she can't stand it.

It's not even dark yet, it's simply too outrageous to be promiscuous in the daytime.

Gu Yunxi said aggrievedly: "Look, I learned it from Doctor Gu."

When Circe heard this, she became furious, and slapped Gu Yunxi again. Gu Yunxi covered the other face with her other hand, and was at a loss for what to do.

Circe said angrily, "She's shameless, so you're imitating her shamelessness? I'm going to beat you to death."

As he spoke, he kicked him again.

Gu Yunxi scrambled to escape.

Circe got up from the beach to catch up, and Gu Yunxi ran faster.So, the two chased after each other on the beach, uttering Circe's curses and Gu Yunxi's begging for mercy from time to time.

After a set of first aid, Jin Zijin coughed out water suddenly, and finally woke up.

Gu Youyou was so worried, seeing him wake up this time, she was so excited that tears flowed down her face.

"You've woken up. I thought a few mouthfuls of sea water would choke you to death. You idiot, why did you let me hit the rock wall if you don't know water? Why didn't you tell me when I asked?"

Jin Zijin was still a little weak, he looked at Gu Youyou, gently stroked her face, and laughed softly.

"It's good that you're still alive, and you don't have to suffer."

(End of this chapter)

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