Chapter 846 One less person
"It's good that you're still alive, and you don't have to suffer."

He is still thinking about those two beads?

Gu Youyou sighed, hugged him, and said: "If you lose your life because of that bead, I'd rather not come here for the rest of my life. Anyway, I have medicine, at worst, I'll just take it for the rest of my life."

"But when you are in pain every month, isn't it a life-and-death one?"

Gu Youyou was slightly taken aback, he was talking about when he came to Kuishui?
The coldness in her body is so heavy, there is no solution to this thing.

"Okay, okay, it's finally safe, you don't have to suffer from the fire, we have earned money from this trip."

It was getting darker, the sun had passed the horizon, and soon there was nothing to see.

Taking advantage of this time, they must find the big ship as soon as possible, or find a cave.

Gu Youyou helped Jin Zijin up, and shouted to Circe who was chasing and beating Gu Yunxi: "Stop beating, come back quickly."

Circe and Gu Yunxi stopped chasing and returning to Gu Youyou.

Only then did she realize that there was one person missing, and Jin Ziyuan could not be seen from the left and right, so she asked anxiously, "Where is Jin Ziyuan?"

Everyone froze and shook their heads, no one knew where he was.

Gu Youyou put down Jin Zijin, and said to Gu Yunxi, "Let's look for it." Then he said to Circe and Jin Zijin, "Go find a clean place, turn on the fire, and dry your clothes. , we'll be back soon."

"Hey, wait!" Jin Zijin stopped Gu Youyou.

Gu Youyou knew that he didn't like Jin Ziyuan very much, so she just sighed: "He came together, he also saved us, we can't leave him alone."

Jin Zijin pondered for a moment and said, "Okay, go and come back quickly, be careful."

There were many red mice in the water. They survived, but they were like frightened birds. When they saw people, they ran around in fright, and didn't dare to attack them again.

Gu Youyou and Gu Yunxiyou called Jin Ziyuan's name loudly on the sea, but no one responded.

It's going to be dark soon, and if this continues, it will be even harder to find.

Gu Youyou asked: "Can you see if he followed?"

Looking back at that time, everyone was trying to escape for their lives, Gu Yunxi was so focused on taking Circe away that he didn't notice Jin Ziyuan at all.

He shook his head and said, "I only saw you guys following me, but didn't notice him. We all brought people with us, and we swam slowly. I thought he had come out a long time ago, and he was faster than us."

Gu Youyou didn't notice him at the time, Jin Zijin was a landlubber, she was almost scared to death in that situation, how could she notice others.

"Let's go back to the shore and have a look. Maybe he came back early, but he just went to a beach farther away."

The two swam back to the shore, and continued to call Jin Ziyuan's name on the beach.

This Fusang Island is not big or small, if you walk along the beach, it will take more than ten hours, that is to say, it will take a whole day.

Jin Ziyuan is an important person, if he dies, then Yu Jizi's plan will be completely over.

But when Gu Youyou thought about Jin Ziyuan's failure to make it out alive, she couldn't be happy at all, she just felt desolate.

Still very guilty!

They came together, he begged her from Huo Li, how could she let him die here, how could...

Her nose was full of sourness, Gu Youyou walked on the beach, her legs trembling a little.

I don't know if it was because I was soaked in sea water and my clothes were drenched and cold, or because I was afraid.

It was completely dark at night, but Jin Ziyuan was still not found.

(End of this chapter)

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