Chapter 848 Are you dead?
Xiao Jinyan stared blankly at the rising Fusang Mountain, unable to listen to a single word of what others said.

All I know is that this trip broke Jin Zijin, and he became a sinner of the Xiao family.

The Xiao family's forbearance for many years has become meaningless.

"General Xiao, give the order to lift the anchor!"

Everyone was worried, but Xiao Jinyan didn't speak, so they didn't dare to lift the anchor privately.

The sun was just rising, and they saw many red things on the sea surface coming in this direction, and those who had never seen it before were all amazed.

People shouted: "Look quickly, what are those things?"

And the few people who saw it stiffened instantly when they saw those little red hairball-like things.

Some are dead bodies, floating, being pulled up and down by the fish in the sea, and some are alive, struggling vigorously.

Those things were none other than the red-haired mouse that made them suffer so much.

"It's the mice!" they said in surprise.

But how did those mice float in the sea?

Someone said loudly: "Did the mouse hole burst open, and the sea came up, and the mice swam from the hole to the surface of the sea?"

If this is the case...someone boldly said: "General Jin may not be dead, but also swam out."

On that side, Xiao Jinyan, who was ashamed from the front, instantly had a fire of hope in his eyes, but after only a moment, it deflated like a deflated ball.

He waved his hand and said: "He is a landlubber, there is no way out."

One soldier did not give up, and said: "General Jin can't swim, maybe those people in the cave can swim, and they will bring him up together." The soldier pointed in one direction and said: "These rats came from Those who came over there, let’s go there to look for it, even if the person is dead, maybe we can find corpses that floated up, look, a lot of rat corpses floated up.”

Hearing these words, Xiao Jinyan regained hope.

That's right, since the corpses of the rats floated up, even if the cousin was really drowned, there is a good chance that his corpse is still alive.Whether he is dead or alive, he must be found. If he really drowns in the sea, he can't let his body feed the fish in the sea.

The corpse of the mouse attracted a large number of predatory fish. Gu Youyou stood on the beach and watched, and couldn't help sighing: "I wonder if a bunch of mutated fish will be born after eating these irradiated mice."

Circe asked curiously from the side: "What is irradiated fish?"

Gu Youyou said: "Didn't you say before that those two beads are a stubborn stone from outside the sky? I think so too. So those strange things in the cave should be caused by things from outside the sky. These mice ate the stones from the lotus pond. The water has become like this. And the rocks on it are not ordinary rocks, so the grass that grows is so strange."

Gu Youyou didn't think about it here, so she explained a few words to her casually in a daze, and Circe only understood half of what she heard.

This cave, they are not the first time to come here, people have been here thousands of years ago.

If she guessed correctly, the people from Dao Sect back then took the Youying Pearl and took a lot of Yin stones back to raise those Youying grass.

And the ancestors of the royal family took that piece of candle lighting beads and created Yanchi.

Of course, maybe they didn't buckle the stone, but with these two beads, the environment around them became like that under the radiation of thousands of years.

(End of this chapter)

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