It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 849 It's good to be dead.

Chapter 849 It's good to be dead.

One of these two people became the originator of Taoism, and the other possessed the supreme imperial power. However, the two forces have restrained each other for many years and have been controlling the people of this country. Who knows the transactions between them.

Perhaps no one has known those legends for a long time, and perhaps there are more or less legends among those few leaders.

Last night, the animals on Fusang Island blew up their nests. They dared not wander around, so they found a safe cave and lit a fire to dry their clothes.It wasn't until dawn that he dared to go out of the cave and look for other people.

I negotiated with Uncle Gu Chaosheng to pick it up in three days, but it's only one day now, and they won't come until two days later.

They decided to go to the boat brought by Jin Zijin first to see if it was still there. If it was still there, they would take their boat and leave.

Anyway, there was still one person on this island, Jin Ziyuan would not go with them, presumably he was waiting for Uncle Gu, and they could follow the boat back first.

Xiao Jinyan took a few people with good water skills to the sea to find someone. Gu Youyou and the others walked along the beach. She has good hearing and heard it from a distance.

She said to Jin Zijin: "It seems that Xiao Jinyan's voice is calling you."

A few people quickened their pace, and sure enough they saw a few people floating in the sea, but they couldn't find them anymore, so they all searched in the deep sea to see if they could find the entrance to the cave.

"Watch... Jin Zijin." Xiao Jinyan shouted happily when he saw Jin Zijin intact on the beach.

He was good at swimming, and soon swam to the shore, punched Jin Zijin, and cried and laughed loudly: "I thought you couldn't get out of that cave, but I was scared to death. Hey, you are a landlubber, who brought you out?"

Jin Zijin smiled and looked at Gu Youyou.

Xiao Jinyan's face darkened, looking a little embarrassed.

He felt that he should say thank you at this time, but to her?Gu Youyou?How could he tell?

This is the fourth time Gu Youyou met Xiao Jinyan, the first time he was about to kill her, but was stopped by Jin Zijin.

The second time was when her silly cousin took her on a blind date. She planned to take Gu Youyou to introduce her to her cousin in the Duke's mansion in order not to let her wealth go to outsiders, but in the end she was looked down upon by this guy and humiliated.

Although that face was beaten back by Yue Rujing for her.

The third time was when the dragon raised his head to sacrifice to the Dragon King and Mother of Dragons, and he warned them about their fate to offer incense together.

This is the fourth time.

Gu Youyou knew that this guy was very contradictory to him in his heart, so he didn't make things difficult for him, but said to Jin Zijin: "Everyone is fine, let's go."

Everyone boarded the boat together, and Xiao Jinyan couldn't help asking: "Where is Jin Ziyuan? Isn't he with you?"

Thinking of Jin Ziyuan, Gu Youyou became angry and said, "He's dead."

"Dead?" Xiao Jinyan was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, "Haha, this scourge is dead, it's good to be dead, good to be dead. Oh, it's a pity that I didn't find his body, otherwise I could still take his body with me." The corpse is going back to claim credit."

Gu Youyou gave him an idiotic look, turned around and entered the cabin.


Gu Youyou went back to the cabin and checked the bodies of himself and Jin Zijin. There was not much remaining inflammation in his body, and with her medicine, it would be cured soon.

As for her own body, in those days in Qishan, she and Circe studied many kinds of medicines, which were effective on animals, but she couldn't do it on her own. I thought it was because of being poisoned for too long, but now it seems that it is actually because The Youying Pearl is in the body, so there has been no progress.

(End of this chapter)

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